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Opinions of Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Columnist: Assafuah, Vincent

Increment of national service scheme allowances

Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, for our young graduates whose
hardwork and commendable service this nation continues to recognise,
this press release is long overdue; but like I have before maintained,
the managers of the scheme and NASPA have always shared in what service
personnel consider as the frustrations of the scheme, particularly the
major one being insufficient allowances.

In that same vein and in furtherance to my earlier reference to the executive
directors' pronouncements at the just ended NASPA congress in Tamale;
and in true manifestation of the concerted efforts of government, managers and
stakeholders of the scheme and NASPA, I wish to announce to the general
public and to all service personnel that the monthly non taxable
allowances of service personnel have been increased.
Without wading
into the arithmetics, let me briefly specify that henceforth service
personnel shall receive an additional 107 Ghana cedis.
As the National Service Personnel Association, we
are highly confident that this news has been received with a warm heart;
and on my part as President, I feel very much relieved to bear this

We therefore want to send our heartfelt appreciation to
the government for heeding to our cries, the National service board and
the executive director for showing such magnanimity and to all who have
shown sensitivity to the course of pressing for increment in allowances, we are very
Meanwhile we want to assure our service personnel that
this may not be the end of our cries, we shall continue to make demands
on issues that we believe shall make the scheme a delight to all of us
in the long run.
As government continues to commit efforts into
strengthening the economy for sustainable development; let us be mindful
that all of us are involved especially as young as we are.
Let us
continue to love and serve our country and bring progress to our society
using our academic experience and God- given potentials.

us also remind our leaders and our country in prayers in the hope that
Ghana would become the country all of us desire to live in.
Thank you and God bless us al.

National Service Personnel Association (NASPA)