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Opinions of Thursday, 18 March 2010

Columnist: GNA

Indians see Ghanaians as soccer legends and great politicians

From: George-Ramsey Benamba, GNA Special Correspondent in New Delhi

New Delhi, March 18, GNA - A cross section of Indians the Ghana News Agency (GNA) interviewed in New Delhi and Haryana cities see Ghana as a country of soccer legends and great politicians.

They said that had propelled Ghana to greater heights in the World map. Speaking to highly educated Indians on Wednesday in New Delhi, they said Ghana is a democratic icon in Africa that had turn out great politicians. Whilst those in the lower classes believed Ghanaians are only recognised worldwide in the fields of soccer and boxing.

Mr Krishna Daylt, an industrialist, who had visited Ghana before, said "Ghanaians are great leaders and politicians. With these I am referring to people such as Dr Kwame Nkrumah and Kofi Annan, who have not only made Ghana, but the entire African continent proud."

Mr Daylt particularly recalled the role Dr Kwame Nkrumah played during the African struggles for freedom and the performance of Kofi Annan as the Secretary General of the United Nations Organization.

He commended Ghana for sustaining her democracy over the years, which he said had become a yardstick for the measurement of the growth of democracy in most African countries over the past 10 years.

He said Ghana's stability had made it a safer destination of investment and would not hesitate to recommend Ghana to investors to come and do business in the country. Mr Ankit Dabulin, a Registrar at a popular Hotel in New Delhi, told the He was quick to mention Ghanaian sporting personalities such as Abedi Pele, Azumah Nelson, Michael Essien, Awudu Issaka, Anthony Yeboah and the current performance of the Under-20 team in the World Cup and the Black Stars at the recently held African Cup of Nations Competition in Angola. "Ghana is a fantastic country when it comes to sports," he said. At the city of Haryana, Phili Dasum, a worker at the Marutti Suzuki car company said "Ghanaians are footballers, Michael Essien is a footballer, Abedi Pele is not only a footballer, but has given birth to footballers."