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Opinions of Thursday, 31 December 2020

Columnist: Sinto Baluri Abdulai

Infiltration of evil into democracy the cry for justice, President

Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, President of Ghana Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, President of Ghana

In a typical Ghanaian society, politics is said to be understood as who gets what, How and where?

In Ghana politics is the most misunderstood word, black societies are characterized by the diversity of interests, preferences, values and ideas. These directly or indirectly involve the use of resources and invariably brings politics to the centre of affairs.

The democracy of Ghana looked brighter and promising since independence than it may be today 2020. What makes the difference is the type of politics and power consciousness that has taken place in our country.

Democracy is not the tool for development but the kind of institutions and politics we create which will be the very basics upon which development pillars are built.

The politics and the protector of a country democracy consist of the leadership and character of the citizens. All these come together to form the politics and the kind of democracy to operate and protect in the country. This also determines the development of the country.

Our politics is characterized by ethnicity, tribalism and what have you.
NPP and the NDC have never praised each other for something is done. This reminds us that both parties have never done something good?

Ghana has a grown Democracy but our Democratic progress is not levelled with our development why?

Every four years elections are organized to show our Democratic development.
Some constitutionally created institutions which are trying to mar the reputation of our Democratic freedom enjoyed since independence is regrettable. Ghanaians are gradually undervaluing the usefulness of our Democracy because of the lack of accountability. Individuals serving their political fathers to the neglect of the constitution, the very reason that institution was created.

Democracy is a necessary condition for our development and the kind of politics we do play a vital role in bringing economic development and the battle against poverty.

After Independence in the fourth republic Is either NPP or NDC vision, and because of ethnicity and party sectionalism, no party gets full support of the people due to political differences. The integrity of Ghana lies in the hands of these political parties.

The constitutional creation of some institutions has brought ties to our eyes and our democracy to a question, especially in 2020; EC we need peace in the country.

First, in history about the number of EU( European Union) election observers in Ghana, these number of election observers have come to remind us about the kind of systems and institutions we create to handle sensitive issues In Ghana.

Some people must remember that history remembers two people on earth, the wrongdoers and good-doers but Allah(God) remembers one person hereafter and that is the good-doers. Where do you want to belong?

What is happening in Ghana as at 7th December 2020 regarding the just ended elections?

The EC declaration has only helped to weaken the very fabric that binds us together as Ghanaians. No wonder real men of justice took French leave of us in the count down to the 2020 general election. PAA J J you are out of coverage, but Mr Martin Amidu is reachable. Please talk.

I am Appealing to the president Nana Addo Dankwa Akuf-Addo to stand up to fight for the right thing to be done. If you are legally elected, sworn in as a president and you are not legitimate in the eyes of the people(citizens), then we cannot develop as a country.

Your H.E in the quest for Justice you should also remind the Electoral Commission (EC) that listening is a critical thing in a democracy, democracy without opposition is autocracy and autocracy leads to corruption and suppression. The opposition NDC have major concerns about election results, the EC should come out transparent, accountable to the very people that saw the need to have chosen the NDC as a substitute.



BY Sinto Baluri Abdulai a village peace vigilante
Email: [email protected]