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Opinions of Monday, 18 February 2013

Columnist: Confidence, Abdulai Hanan R.

Insensitive Mr Politician!

I work and by His Grace I will be able to afford fuel for any purpose no matter the hike! But what about the larger unemployed youth who jump from one taxi to another taxi in search of non-existing jobs? Has anyone ever thought of the amount of money job seekers spend on job-hunting transport alone? How much more insensitive and perhaps irresponsible could our politicians be? This is not very fair! Even though I don't know the meaning of the word "fair"!

Not quite long ago politicians unanimously increased their salaries to ungodly sums. Now, a common Member of Parliament, including the certificate and diploma holders, will now bag home colossal sum of seventy-two hundred Ghana Cedis (GH¢7,200) or seventy-two million old Ghana Cedis (¢72,000,000) approx. This is exclusive of the recent fifty hundred Ghana Cedis (GH¢5,000) paid them in the name of rent allowance! I hell care not if they are paying it back! What I do care about is the fact that some B.Sc, BA, M.Sc, MA, and M.Phil holders have not counted a million cedi of their own yet after graduation.

How much more will the kick-back vampires of the Executive Wing of Government receive per month? How much will be the demon itself, the Per Demon, eeh, sorry, Per Diem?

What about Woyome’s friends? The professed wise men and women adorned with “weak”! I mean the Judiciary Wing, how much will be given to them?

We are no longer safe! And this explains it all - the hare race of the youth into politics! TRUST ME, POLITICS WILL BE FOR THE ACADEMICALLY WEAK AND THE IDIOT IF THERE IS EQUITY IN DISTRIBUTION OF OUR WEALTH AND RESOURCES!

I thought politicians are supposed to be working for us! Unfortunately, these concatenations of political faux pas really balls-up situations!

This increment in fuel prices immediately after elections is fast becoming a norm. This presumably could be due to sitting or incumbent government perforating public purse to run campaigns. And an attempt to mitigate the deficit that might have arose by slapping astronomical percentage increase on fuel. Others factors beyond the remit of my cerebrum may contribute as well. How long are we going to be beneficiaries of the politician's crime and renege?

The politician always has a reason for fuel hikes! Jeez! That is hogwash! I gave you my power to brainstorm over possible artillery to fight my course. Could you please resign if you cannot do the work?

However, desperate situations require desperate measures and I am hoping to see a rise in armed robbery, prostitution, sakawa and other legitimate-if-not-caught professions. The vicious cycle continues... The have-nots continue to expand exponentially.

YES! WHEN THE POOR MAN HAS NOTHING LEFT TO EAT, THE POLITICIAN WILL BE EATEN! I don't care if you consider it a threat! The Theory of Cause and Effect will certainly dawn on politicians!

By the way, if I may be pardoned to ask an innocuous question: WHERE IS OUR OIL?

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*Abdulai Hanan R. Confidence*

*Tamale West Hospital*

*Former PRO of TEIN of Nurses Training College, Tamale*

*[email protected] *