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Opinions of Thursday, 29 May 2014

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Is Asantehene Disobeying Okomfo Anokye?

When having in mind that “Nothing ventured, nothing came”, I must confess that I have no relish for lackadaisical attitudes and acts of passiveness. This is why I passionately discuss issues and offer suggestions in matters relating to the welfare of Ghanaians in general, and Kumawuman citizens in particular. Failing to discuss them, results will never be obtained.

I really have aversion to the exercise of absolute power that tends to corrupt absolutely, by our public and traditional leaders. Today, I am only going to assess the current Asantehene in relation to one specific traditional law, for people to judge him on his performance and adherence in relation to that law.

Reading from Ivor Wilks, one can conclude that the renowned Okomfo Anokye, the spiritual authority on matters relating to Asanteman, was purported to have given seventy-seven timeless laws to the system at the time of the Kingdom’s foundation. Among them, he asked for all Asantehene to be obligatorily impartial in dealing with their subjects.

Do we see our sitting Asantehene abiding fully by the law when dealing with subjects perceived to be poor and very vulnerable, especially, during adjudication of cases brought before his court? Presuming an Asantehene allows his decisions on matters of great concern and importance to be influenced anyhow, can he be said to be respecting the above stated law?

When he twists history to arrive at his anticipated decision, having been influenced by some sort of special relationship, can he be said to be impartial? Presuming he is induced by offers of bribery, or he himself envisages an opportunity of availing himself of the wealth of others through clear exploitation, to decide a case in favour of the otherwise (should-have-been) guilty party, could he be said to be observing the law? I am afraid not.

Could he be seen as disrespecting Okomfo Anokye through the disobedience of non adherence to the timeless law? I personally see him as flouting the law through how grossly he has misconducted himself in adjudicating some chieftaincy disputes. He can dispute my assertion, if he chooses. However, he should note that I am entitled to my opinion, empirical observations and conclusions as he is to his. Nonetheless, God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit are my witnesses as Okomfo Anokye will be his judge.

Being a true son of Kumawu, I can clearly state without fear or favour that erroneous decisions and attempts have been made to twist the history of Kumawu in favour of the undeserving party. I am ready to take any historian on who otherwise may seek to contest my truthfully stated fact. Wearing the armour of truth and wielding the weapon of truth, such a person will easily succumb to the fatal blow of truth.

The truth will out so those resolutely determined to bend history to suit their parochial and egoistic interests must be careful as their ignorant pursuit will in the end turn to slap them in the face. For personal reasons, I will not delve into any further discussions but will advice Asantehene to cogitate about Okomfo Anokye’s timeless law. Whoever disobeys it will be disgraced in the end and it won’t take long for Asantehene to suffer that deplorable fate even though he claims to have developed a tough skin against shame and insults.

“It does not belong to he who is leading to redirect their steps”. This is the advice and message I leave for the Asante overlord.

Rockson Adofo