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Opinions of Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Is Asantehene “Robbing Peter to Pay Paul?”

Hey, you commentator, the publication is about you so please pause, read and understand before you pass any comment(s). Your comment(s) must reflect the contents of the publication but not any figment of your warped imagination.

I have observed over a long period of time that some people have made it their habit to pass comments on my articles without such comments having any relevance to what has been discussed. They keep mentioning that my mother comes from here or there as though, they have no iota of grey matter in their cranium. Where my mother comes from and the mentioning of her name, whether they get it correctly or not, are totally irrelevant to the issues discussed.

To these rented commentators, let it be known to them that I am neither an "obo3fa dadeefa" nor my forebears went to the northern part of Ghana to convey Dagombas or the Moshie to the Ashanti land to sleep with their females to give birth to stoutly tall males to occupy the Asante stools. Watch the full video below via the provided web link to better understand the point I am trying to make.

Is it not irresponsible on the part of anyone to intentionally commit a crime and then seeks to justify their crime by hiring complete ignoramuses to attack whoever tries to highlight the person's crimes with the aim of effecting a positive change in the criminal?

Is it not pure nonsense to rob Peter to pay Paul? Why should you deprive Peter of his say money, but to give it to Paul? What do you have against Peter but do favour same in Paul?

Robbing Peter to pay Paul is a idiom which translates as, "To take from one merely to give to another; to discharge one debt by incurring another" or “To use resources that legitimately belong to or are needed by one party in order to satisfy a legitimate need of another party, especially within the same organization or group; to solve a problem in a way that makes another problem worse, producing no net gain”

It must be emphasised here that Asantehene and Asanteman Council have engaged some people to always pass absurd comments on my publications; saying my mother is not from Kumawu and that I am also not from Kumawu hence have no business discussing Kumawu matters.
I am aware of the identity of such one persons that they have employed to constantly check news portals on the internet to see if l have placed a publication so as to cut and paste their “bushman’s” comments.

Why should they seek to rob and rape Kumawuman in a broad daylight and think they can get away with their crime by hiring people to cast aspersions on me when I challenge them through my publications?

If it is only my father who comes from Kumawu, I still do have the obligation to defend my fatherland against plundering by rogues and thieves from other divisions in Asanteman. I am making my father, mother, siblings, friends, ancestors and all sensible Kumawuman subjects proud by boldly standing up to challenge the absurdities, thieveries and intimidations in orchestration by Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, Asanteman Council, Kumawuhemaa Abenaa Serwaah Amponsah and the purported Kumawuhene Barima Sarfo Tweneboa Kodua (Dr Yaw Sarfo).

I know the history of Kumawuman. I shall not sit on my backside while Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II colludes with Abenaa Serwaah Amponsah and other accomplices to ruin Kumawuman by twisting not only her history but also, selfishly greedily exploit her wealth to the hilt.

I will advise Asantehene and his cabal of aides within and outside Asanteman to cease all attempts to rewrite the history of Kumawu through intimidation, collusion and whatever, with the ulterior motive of stealing from Kumawuman. If they stop, I shall not only cease writing about them but may request the retraction and deletion of all the true stories I have so far published and continue to publish about Kumawuman on the internet news websites. Until then, they can rob Kumawuman to pay their team of fools who as lazy as they are, has agreed to sit on their arse from morning till late on daily basis seeking to pass silly comments on my published articles.

Until my bones are rotten, I shall continue to fiercely defend the rights of the downtrodden masses in Ghana, and especially, those in Kumawuman, my paternal ancestral place of birth, if not my own place of birth.

Finally, some Asanteman paramount chiefs have spent years idling about trying to find out who Rockson Adofo is. They had also been trying to locate me. In order not to allow them to waste their time, I have myself told them who I am, where I come from and where I live. With this information, what can they do, as ignorant, corrupt and cowards some of them are?
They had better stop assisting Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II from aiming stubbornly to cheat Kumawuman people. The Ankaase royal family members in Kumawu are not in any way the patrilineal, let alone, matrilineal descendants of Barima Tweneboa Kodua I, the originator of the Kumawu Kodua Stool.

Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II can lie as much as he can, trying to tell the world that the Ankaase family members are matrilineal descendants of Barima Tweneboa Kodua I; they are not! He had better come to me to learn about Kumawu history properly without making himself a public laughing stock in future. I know that he knows the truth, but for the attainment of his criminal intents, he has chosen to lie deliberately.

Asantehene will NEVER be allowed to sell Kumawuman lands as though, the lands are his. He will never be allowed to have a 50% share of Kumawuman funds sitting in a Bank account at the Bank of Ghana as secretly agreed between him on one hand, and Kumawuhemaa Abenaa Serwaah Amponsah and Dr Yaw Sarfo on another hence his unrelenting efforts to impose Dr Yaw Sarfo on Kumawuman as their Omanhene.

When I visit Kumawu and see how the town has been devastated by erosion, with sharp stones conspicuously sticking out of the ground, I weep. I ask myself, so were there stones in Kumawu like this but which I never saw when I was growing up?
When I was growing up, I could walk anywhere, go anywhere at night without knocking my foot against any stone but now I shall fear to go same places because of the scary stones sticking out of the ground.

With all these problems facing not only Kumawu but also, Abenaso, Anyamesere, Duffour, Abotanso, Wonoo, Sekyere, Akotoso, Nkwanta, Temaate, Besoro, Bodomase, Ananangya, Woraso, Dobonso etc., why should I allow strangers from Kumasi or other divisions in Asanteman to come to Kumawuman to steal their money that can be used to correct some of the defects facing Kumawuman?

The commentators can continue fooling about without stopping to read what I publish to think about what sensible constructive criticisms they can make, for that who cares.

I advise Asantehene to do the right thing. If he does the right thing, he will have no cause to engage or hire people to monitor my publications to pass senselessly damaging comments that betray how hollow-minded they are in the end.

Asantehene has no business whatsoever to meddling in the affairs of Kumawuman let alone, imposing anyone on Kumawuman subjects as their Omanhene.

Stay tuned for me info from me.

Rockson Adofo