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Opinions of Sunday, 10 January 2016

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Is Asantehene Still Tickling Himself and Laughing?

From the news doing rounds in Kumawu, originated from the inner circles of Kumawuhemaa Nana Abenaa Serwaah Amponsah, one could well conclude that Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II is still tickling himself and laughing hahahahaha.

It is alleged that after the Mampong regional High Court Judge on Tuesday 22 December 2015, delivered his knockout verdict that sent Asantehene and his cronies or accomplices (Kumawuhemaa, the alleged Kumawuhene Sarfo Tweneboah Koduah etc.) sprawling on the floor completely ridiculed, Kumawuhemaa and her elders dashed to Kumasi to consult with Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II.

As usual, he is alleged to have bragged in an attempt to save himself the little respect left, if at all he has any left, by saying, "No court can overturn my decision. No court can remove the sub-chiefs I have ordered you to swear them in. The Mampong court verdict that is contrary to my decision will not stand, believe you me. It will go nowhere"

What a ranting of a person lacking knowledge of national and international laws and universal criminal codes as enshrined in the United Nations charter.

When I recline in my armchair and pause for a moment, the only question that comes into mind when cogitating about the Kumawu stool dispute is, is Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II still dreaming of/about living in a total monarchy as pertained in the 16th and 17th centuries? He thinks Ashantis are still living in the era where chiefs were so despotic and could easily without any restraint, decapitate people or banish their subjects from their traditional areas of jurisdiction with impunity.

We are living in the 21st Century where everyone lives under the Law and the Constitution as equals as far as the interpretations and the applications of the laws go.

One wonders why he still does not get it after all my revelations published on the Ghana internet news portals to the effect that he is simply a Ceremonial Head of Asanteman but not an Overlord as erroneously believed by some less history-knowledgeable persons and, or cowards.

All Asantehenes since the arrest of Asantehene Nana Agyemang Prempeh I by the White colonialists in 1896 with his deportation to Seychelles, followed by his repatriation to Kumasi (Gold Coast) in 1924 and the restoration of the Asante Confederacy by the Whites in 1935, cease to be Ashanti Overlords but simply Kumasimanhene with additional duty as the Ceremonial Head of Asanteman.

Their powers were drastically curtailed. They have no authority over the lands and the wealth of all the other Divisions that came together to form the Asante Confederacy over 300 years ago. Each Omanhene within Asanteman is a master of himself – "Obiara di no kuyi"

I have extensive documentation on these assertions by me. I therefore can't get it when Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II still claims, although in the figment of his imagination, to be the overall authority in Asanteman with powers to decide for Kumawuman or to reap from where he has not sown. I find this as the behaviour of a complete joke!

If what the members of Kumawuhemaa's camp are saying is true which I don't doubt them, then I will only leave him to wallow in his utter ignorance of not knowing how powerful the Ghana Constitution, conventions and the laws of the land are.

No judge, whether in Kumasi where he is supposed to have overwhelming control to inculcate fear in them, will be able, following the exposure of judicial corruption in Ghana by Anas Aremeyaw Anas with the subsequent sacking of some judges and the forfeiture of their pensions etc., yield in to Asantehene's frivolous claims.

Judges will decide each case on its own merit. They will consider the credibility of the available facts and evidence but not as previously the case where judges could be influenced with bribes of goat, sheep, yam, cats or money to sell justice to the highest bidder by twisting the truth.

I hope he will wake up from his hallucinating slumber for the day is far spent and the world come thus far for anyone to hope to avail themselves of the jungle life where the mighty marks their territory and rules without regard for anyone or observance of any law.

By the way, has the alleged Kumawu Akwamuhene unlawfully sworn-in by the alleged Kumawuhene Barimah Sarfo Tweneboah Koduah at the behest of Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, gone back to Dr Yaw Sarfo to claim his GHS14, 000 paid to him (Barimah Sarfo Tweneboah Koduah) before he was offered the throne? I am just asking! – "Obofo3 bebre, 3twen nso bebre"

How many times do I have to warn Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II to the fact that he is currently fighting God because God Himself has appointed Barimah Tweneboah Koduah V as Kumawuhene? This appointment dates back to when he was a foetus? Does the turn of events since the start of the Kumawu Stool dispute until today, with him persistently conniving to twist the truth and intransigently playing God but repeatedly failing, tell him anything?
Is he not marvelled at how we gather credible evidence and facts and muster fearless courage to confront him head-on or to render his criminal efforts useless? God is doing it Himself but through His vessels. Those of us supporting the cause of Barimah Tweneboah Koduah V in pursuit of the establishment of truth and justice are mere servants of God doing God's wish according as He directs.

To be honest with my readers, I don't hate the person of Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II but I detest his conduct. I find his conduct quite despicable.

The more he behaves like the proverbial goat that stubbornly desires without restraint to frequent where he always gets bashed, thinking there is something worthwhile (food) there to avail himself of, and the more God will expose him as a Chief Nobody.

Why has he allowed himself to be baited with money and Kumawuman Stool lands that Kumawuhemaa is dangling before him to trap him to his doom same as worms are used as baits during fishing?

There is more to come, so please my fans stay tuned!

Rockson Adofo