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Opinions of Monday, 20 March 2023

Columnist: Rockson Adofo

Is Dr Kwabena Duffuor trailing John Mahama for NDC flag bearer position

Dr Kwabena Duffuor Dr Kwabena Duffuor

Am l deaf not to hear, or blind not see, Dr Kwabena Duffuor of NDC, mount a decisive campaign to clinch the NDC flag bearer position in their upcoming May 2023 elections?

Could it be that he is secretly and intelligently canvassing the NDC delegates for their maximum support and votes rather than through public engagements and pronouncements since winning that position solely rests on the NDC delegates but not the general public?

I don't see John Dramani Mahama becoming any good president since he lacks the know-how and far-sightedness to becoming a credible president.

I know what he had done in that position before. He demonstrated the love of personal corruption and lack of foresight to running the country.

A more serious thinker, an accomplished financial and economic wizard, dedicated to serving his nation and people with dynamism is needed to run the country.

From the camp of the NDC, such a person is nobody other than Dr Kwabena Duffuor.

Nonetheless, will the infamously characterised "create, loot and share" NDC guys choose the competent Dr Kwabena Duffuor over the incompetent presiding officer of the syndicate?

Kwabena, let me see and hear more of you now that you have officially declared your willingness to serve Ghana in the capacity of president.

Good luck to you, Dr Kwabena Duffuor.