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Opinions of Friday, 18 July 2014

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Is Former Finance Minister Dr Duffuor in Trouble?

No, he isn’t! He can never be in trouble for financial impropriety contrary to the presumptions of the Alliance For Accountable Governance (AFAG). AFAG are by a publication on Ghanaweb on Thursday, 17 July 2014, under the banner, “Arrest Duffuor, BoG Boss over missing $600m – AFAG”, calling for the immediate apprehension of Dr Kwabena Duffuor.

I know it for an absolute certainty that Dr Duffuor, a Kumawu compatriot, is squeaky-clean in both his private and public lives. He will never take a pesewa from anyone if he is not legally entitled to it. Unlike some politicians who see politics as an arena for amassing illegal wealth, he sees politics as a call to be of selfless service to one’s nation and people. He has never got involved in any acts of embezzlement throughout his public life.

I know him to be whiter than snow when it comes to vouching for his impeccable integrity. The whole nation will get to know the honesty of Dr Duffuor should he be arrested as called for, and duly given the opportunity to tell all he knows about the alleged thievery, if indeed, the money has gone missing.

It is unfortunate that his momentary dabble in politics with intention to serve his nation selflessly, has incurred him the wrath of the people. He has been tainted simply for the fact of serving in a government that is corrupt beyond imagination.

At the appropriate time, he will come out to allay public suspicion from those who doubt his claim to selfless service to the nation during his time as the Governor of Bank of Ghana and the Finance Minister. His sincerity and honesty will be proven to the astonishment of all those doubting his obvious credibility.

I do not defend people on any grounds other than the circumstances being truth. The person can be my compatriot or not, if they are in the wrong, I shall point it out; equally so shall I defend them if they are in the right, but are falsely being accused.

Rockson Adofo