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Opinions of Thursday, 8 April 2010

Columnist: Braimah, Ibrahim

Is Ghana ready for a female president

After 53years of independence i like to ask this question which brings about a lot of passion during discussion"IS GHANA READY FOR A FEMALE PRESIDENT?".To some yes yet still to others no.First one would ask which woman or women are capable of leading us.I must say that i support the idea of a female leader because i believe that if we have a woman president,she would think about the well being of the people first before herself.Just look at how are mothers are caring.But i am not forgetting that the world over there are women presidents who have let the people down,that not withstanding i still support the idea.But one may ask which women,i Have done a careful analysis and i have scaled the contenders down to four women.They are Mrs Rawlings,Jocye Aryee,Gifty Afenie Dadzie and Samia Nkrumah. Am going to do an honest analysis of each of these ladies. Lets begin with Mrs Rawlings.Honestly she has a strong character,is strong willed,has organizational abilities,is in touch with the grassroot people.She has been able to sustain her 31st Dec women's movement all this while even when her party was in opposition.She has been first lady of our dear nation for 20 good years.She, lets not forget played an important role in the passage of the intestate law PNDC law 111.She is a strong women advocate.But on the flip side,she bought Nsawam canneries under dubois means,it is alleged that all old GNTC buildings in Ghana belong to her.she is known for her no nonsense style.prospect of her becoming president. She will no doubt be a strong willed lady but her husband may steal the show.which will not be too good for us.He will be in the back ground pulling the strings,but i wonder if he will still be the BOOM Man we all know or will he be cool because it's his better half?By the time her term ends i wonder what will be left of us. Now lets see Mama Jocye.She is a woman of substance,she has grace,very Godly,strong willed and has a sense of vision.Every where she goes she leaves a mark.She has been a minister of education before,P.R.O for a number of organizations,she is now the C.E.O of the Ghana chamber of mines.There is no denying the fact that she has done a lot in her current position.She inspires a lot of women and men.Above all she is humble.However those conservatives out there will readily point out the fact that she is not married and at one point was married to uncle BOB who happened to be her junior in Achimota school.Who cares about that these days.Anyway that's not important.I think she will be a perfect one.By the time she finishes with us ahh, we would have been totally transformed.

Now mama Gifty, a woman of grace and substance.Godly,so beautiful inside out.She did a good job with GJA.In fact she managed to ensure the independence of the media and also made it vocal.She has also done a good job with women aglow.If by any chance she becomes president eeiiiiiiii we will always be going to church.I think she is a bit emotional.Anyway a Godly president is better than one without God. Now Miss Nkrumah,a novice in our politics,she is intelligent,strong willed,has a sense of purpose and she is showing us she wants to be a new kind of politician.That good. But her party is in a very sorry state now.I think she is the only member of parliament for her party.I believe with a bit of P.R she can cash in on the legacy of her father.But i also am of the view that she should carve a niche for herself rather than relying solely on her father's legacy.Since she is new she can do a new kind of politics which will attract a cross section of ghanaians.The question is will she get the right people to form a government should she become president? I leave the rest for the good people of Ghana to judge. Ibrahim Braimah