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Opinions of Friday, 8 February 2013

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Is Homosexuality a Crime in Ghana?

Pardon me to wade into this thorny area of discussion that has lately startled all Ghanaians for various reasons. I feel obliged to share my views on homosexuality. I am doing so not only as a prolific writer with intense interest of Ghana at heart but also, as one who interacts with members of the Ghanaian social and scientific think tank.

Homosexuality (sexual desire or behaviour directed toward a person or persons of one's own sex) is an abnormality. Anyone involved in that practice does not only need the sympathy of people but also, needs urgent medical treatment to get them off that social and mental disease.

I very well understand by the physique, voice and behaviour of certain persons that they are born gay. You will see a man who looks naturally feminine, behaves feminine, speaks feminine and has that natural tendency to cross-dress. This is also true with certain females who are tomboy with the additional sexual desire to go after woman. It is a situation of genetic disorder where a female is imprisoned in the body of man and the vice versa. These people need our sympathy.

Politicians and other interest groups should not seek to multiply the numbers of homosexuals as though it is naturally fashionable to be gay.

The recent deplorable apostate attitudes of certain political leaders with vigorous quest to legalise and promote homosexuality in their countries and worldwide, is doing the born homosexuals no good. The way politicians are going about homosexuality with that fanfare of seeing nothing wrong about it, but perfectly natural to subscribe to, is costing the born gay the pity that the public should have felt for them.

Homosexuality has now become a fashion, adored and taken after by celebrities in the Western world. With this, many are those that think becoming gay is a fashion that carries nobility. This is the risk we face as a nation noting the consequential disastrous affect on healthcare, economy and population growth.

By research, in every reported ten cases of HIV patients in England, seven of them are gay. Additionally, hospitals do not accept blood donations by gay people let alone, accepting them into blood banks for eventual transfusion into other patients who may urgently require blood. Why is this so? It is all because gay or homosexuality as a sex relationship carries its own peculiar punitive and fatal diseases with the likely potency to wipe off or reduce very sizeably the population of the world.

Every country has their peculiar or defining qualities that make them proud of belonging in that country. Ghana has a culture and tradition that makes it a taboo to engage in same sex relationship (sodomy for males and lesbianism for females). What are all the noises a few deranged Ghanaians both within and outside the country making in support of that anathema? Some Ghanaian residents abroad feel it is right for whoever chooses to be gay to stay gay. They also wish the total legalisation of gay rights in Ghana much the same way as it pertains in the Whiteman's land. I find such people and their ideas completely out of order, disgusting and cheapening.

Will Ghana be able to afford the cost and medical labour needed to combat any concomitant illnesses or outbreak of diseases following the acceptance of, or the legalisation of homosexuality in the country? I know my fellow Ghanaians for always trying to outdo our contemporary Whites when it comes to copying their social life and vices but not their economic, technological and engineering prowess. No wonder, a greater percentage of Ghanaians will see homosexuality as a fashion to take after within a few years of openly embracing the canker.

I support that majority voice calling for the reject of open homosexuality in Ghana. The homosexuals can move out to Britain where their House of Commons (Parliament) have overwhelmingly accepted gay marriage on Tuesday, 5 February 2013.
