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Opinions of Saturday, 7 March 2015

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Is It Worth Dying For The New Patriotic Party (NPP)?

What a simple question, but indeed very difficult to answer. Many a time have I asked myself, reflecting on a bold and honest statement once made by Honourable Kennedy Ohene Akompreko Agyapong, the Member of Parliament for Assin Central, is it worth dying for the NPP? He said, "It is not worth dying for the Npp". Many NPP faithful did not understand him when he made that rebuke-intended, but disguised, distress call. However, if we had bothered to ponder over his statement, we would have understood the great import of it.

In the NPP, the alleged political party that is full to the brink, and probably overflowing, of, highly educated (book long) individuals, they never hesitate to rush out to issue condemnatory and "disassociating ourselves from..." statements. The party is full of intelligent and wise people who are nearly always victims of their own "too known" (intelligence and wisdom), folly of course, in the end.

When a member of the party in execution of their dutiful service to the party and the suffering masses of Ghana makes a genuine or an unintentional cockup, he/she is allowed to suffer the consequences all by him or herself alone. The other NPP family members, especially the top brass, always hasten to issue a statement of disassociating themselves from whatever action their colleague had taken or a statement the person has made.

Where is the solidarity among the party members if they continue to behave in that delusional manner? I am not asking them to be supportive of evil behaviours. However, they need to show support when one has actually not erred to warrant the type of attitude the top brass always show towards them whenever the NDC complain. Let me cite vivid examples to buttress the point I am trying to make.

A few years ago, Hon. Kennedy Agyapong was accused of, and arrested for, inciting Akans to take up arms against the other minority tribes in Ghana. As soon as the news broke out, the NPP leaders hurriedly issued a statement disassociating themselves and the party from the person and the statement(s) made by him in that regard. Nonetheless, the interpretations given to his statement by the malicious NDC were not exactly as he had meant. Kennedy's statement was made in response to the deplorable actions taken by then parliamentary aspirant for Odododiodoo constituency in Accra, Nii Lamptey Vanderpuiye.

Nii Lamptey Vanderpuiye had declared that no Akan-bearing name person must be allowed to register to vote in his Odododiodoo constituency. He hired thugs to beat up the Akans in the area and eve burnt down some of their shops. His thugs did not suffer then parliamentary aspirant Ursula Owusu kindly. She was beaten black and blue. Subsequently, Hon. Kennedy Agyapong advised the government to reprimand Nii Lamptey, and ensure he desisted from his disgusting behaviour or else, "If the Ashantis decide to take up arms to do same to the minority tribes in Kumasi, the stronghold of the NPP, what will happen to Ghana?" He used the word IF, a conditionality, but not a command.

What was wrong about his conditional statement? Why should the NPP throw him to the dogs to devour instead of rallying solidly behind him? Was he not trying to ensure all people are treated equally and are allowed to exercise their franchise irrespective of which part of the country they live in or come from? Was his statement not in the interest of Ghanaians, the NPP and those being molested by Nii Lamptey Vanderpuiye, that lawless NDC fanatic and criminal?

We have this young Ashanti Regional NPP chairman by name Bernard Antwi Boasiako, alias Chairman Wontumi. It is obvious that President Mahama, his brother Ibrahim Mahama, alias Pepeni No.1 & No.2 and their cronies are corrupt beyond human imagination. They are embezzling public funds through their corrupt practices of "create, loot and share". When Chairman Wontumi voiced it out, Ibrahim Mahama, the younger brother of President Mahama has had the shameless bravery to take him to court.

Wontumi's stance is in defence of Ghanaians against these rogues who are plundering the coffers of Ghana to the detriment of all reasonable Ghanaians. When he was arraigned, some NPP members are of the opinion that we should leave him to battle it all alone. They say, "Wontumi is able to fight his own battles all alone. He will never involve himself in battles that he cannot fight alone". I totally disagree with all those ascribing to the belief of Wontumi being able to fight his own battles and wars or else, he will not venture into them in the first place. Therefore, he has to be left to his own fate, facing Ibrahim Mahama all alone.

Whether he can go it all alone or not, as long us what he said is truthful, and in the collective interest of the suffering Ghanaians whom the NPP identify with, he needs our unflinching support in whatever form it takes. I support these sensible individuals in my writings.

The last example I am citing is the recent incident in which Hon. Osarfo Marfo is wrongly being accused of expressing his sincere indignation at the nepotistic and tribal attitudes by President Mahama and his NDC government, if indeed, the tape-recorded message doing rounds in Ghana was not doctored. He is alleged to have said, "even though about 90 per cent of Ghana's natural resources are concentrated in Akan-dominated areas, people of other ethnic extractions whose home regions have no resources, are the one governing the country". Is it not true what he said? Check the web link below to read my published views on his statement.

Once again, the Management of NPP were quick to publish their usual short-sighted statement of "we disassociate ourselves from ..." What is all that about? Are we serious as a party in whom the confidence of the ordinary Ghanaian is reposed? Are we serious as a party hoping to win future elections? Why are we afraid to rally behind a member of the party when the person is telling the truth, but in the course of which he becomes a prisoner of conscience? Can we not read between the fine lines to detect the mischievous intentions of our opponents whenever they twist such truths to suit their agenda of ever preventing the NPP from winning power?

Many of us would have long been discouraged by this publicly exhibited myopia by the NPP management had it not been our willingness to focus on our ultimate aim, thus, liberating Ghanaians from the chains of modern day slavery wrought around their legs, waist and hands by the Mahama government.

For the sake of, Nana Akufo Addo and Dr Bawumia, the suffering Ghanaian masses, and delighting our families through our selfless dedication to be of service to our nation and people, and for the fact of being vessels of God to liberate His people from bondage under President Mahama, we shall continue to work with much effort regardless of any acts of sabotage by some people within the NPP management. However, such saboteurs will not be spared the rod for them to spoil the party and the chances of the suffering Ghanaians extricating themselves from the shackles of socio-politico-economic slavery brought upon them by President Mahama.

Those within NPP craving for positions before the Election 2016 was won should learn that one cannot fly without first crawling, walking and then running. This is common sense. Will they please help put in place strategies to winning the election before strategizing to land themselves in prestigious governmental positions?

A word to the wise is enough. Let us rally behind whoever has good intentions for Ghana e.g. Nana Akufo Addo, Dr Bawumia, Hon. Kennedy Agyapong, Chairman Wontumi, Hon. Osarfo Marfo, Ernest Owusu Bempah aka "Aboa Apapo", DJ Sarkodie of Sources radio UK online and of course, Rockson Adofo, the son Kumawu/Asiampa soil, just but to mention a few.

It is not worth dying for NPP as a party. However, it is better dying for the aims and objectives of the party while first holding in check the saboteurs within the party as explained above.

Rockson Adofo