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Opinions of Wednesday, 7 September 2022

Columnist: Cliff Ekuful

Is Kennedy Akompreko Agyapong's PHD principle, key to Ghana's transformation?

MP for Assin Central, Kennedy Agyapong MP for Assin Central, Kennedy Agyapong

On March 6, 1957, when the great Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah declared Ghana's independence from the British Colonialists, many were those who were of high hopes, believing that a new nation with the capacity to restore the true African personality had been birthed.

In his immutable voice, and at his oratory best, Kwame Nkrumah declared at the old Polo grounds that “At long last, the battle has ended! And thus, Ghana, our beloved country is free forever!"

The clarion call was loud and clear, reverberating across the four corners of the world. Out of sheer optimism, Osagyefo made a case for the new African, believing, that Ghana would be the torchbearer in defining the true African personality and what it stood for.

Basking in the euphoria that had engulfed the old Polo grounds, he said, "And, as I pointed out… from now on, today, we must change our attitudes and our minds.

We must realise that from now on, we are no longer a colonial, but free and independent people. But also, as I pointed out, that also entails hard work.

That new Africa is ready to fight his own battles and shows that after all, the black man is capable of managing his own affairs.

We are going to demonstrate to the world, to the other nations, that we are prepared to lay our foundation – our own African personality."

With an unwavering belief, Osagyefo saw the African Personality beyond just the shores of Ghana and this was affirmed when he declared, "We have won the battle and again let us rededicate ourselves … "OUR INDEPENDENCE IS MEANINGLESS UNLESS IT IS LINKED UP WITH THE TOTAL LIBERATION OF AFRICA."

The optimism was great and the desire to see the African progression was real, however, all that began to fizzle out when the reality dawned on the newly independent Ghana that the challenges of its development were more than just the mere presence of the white man.

Today, Ghana is a pale shadow of what was envisaged by its forebears. Poverty, squalor, and deprivation seem to be a lot.

Even though Kwame Nkrumah was not oblivious to the fact that building and reshaping the country's destiny wasn't going to be easy, he may have underestimated the magnitude of the challenge.

Cronyism, tribalism, ethnocentrism, nepotism, greed, hatred, jealousy, indiscipline, rumour mongering, thievery, corruption, and chicanery were the underestimated monsters that invariably devoured Osagyefo and are the monsters whose tentacles continue to devour the Ghanaian society today.

These monsters have stood every step of the way to building an enviable African personality and have made sure that it serves as the stumbling block for the country's forward march.

From 1957 to date, Ghana has been devoured by these monsters. Indeed, there is no gainsaying that the underdevelopment of the country is large as a result of these monsters whose tentacles are found in every nook and cranny of the society.

Sadly enough, political leadership has failed in dealing with these monsters decisively, and in a way, has become agents in devouring society.

If leadership is the cause, and all others, effect, then the major problem in dealing with these monsters is nothing but the lack of leadership.

Nearly 70years after independence, Ghana is yet to have the right political leader with the right temperament to galvanize the people towards defeating these monsters who continue to block our progress.

Perhaps, the closest we came as a nation in dealing with these monsters, was under the regime of the Provisional National Defense Council (PNDC) headed by the late Jerry John Rawlings, but alas, the battle was lost and the reasons were not farfetched- the majority of the leaders lacked the time tested principles of Patriotism, Honesty, and Discipline.

It is therefore refreshing that the Member of Parliament for the Assin Central Constituency is advocating a new style of leadership anchored on the principles of PHD.

The need for Ghanaians to imbibe these principles has become more imperative than ever before and there is no gainsaying that until these principles become a culture in Ghana, the desired development for the country would continue to prove elusive.

But the question that one needs to ask is, what is this PHD principle and how does it hold the key to the country's development?

The PHD principle as espoused is anchored on the need for Patriotism, Honesty, and Discipline. Patriotism constitutes a very important variable in nation-building and is defined as the selfless passion of love for one’s country.

It is a virtue that imbues in people the sense of loyalty to defend one’s country even at the peril of their lives with or without any tangible motivation.

Similarly, Honesty is a human virtue that depicts sincerity and straightforwardness. People who exhibit these tendencies act with self-conscientiousness and discharge their duties in nation-building without cutting corners.

This ingredient without mincing words is missing in Ghanaian society today and any attempt to ensure transformation would remain fruitless unless it is underpinned by it.

Like Patriotism and Honesty, Discipline comes from the Latin word “Disciplina” which translates as loosely as living by the rules. It is dictated by self-control and an unwavering desire to do the right thing.

Indeed, the chaos on our streets, settlement patterns, and lack of productivity are but a symptom of the levels of indiscipline that has engulfed our society.

A combination of these virtues is indeed what is missing from our equation of leadership and drumming it home now could never have come at a better time than this.

Examples abound to show that societies that emerged as developed countries in the mid-20th century, did so with little reliance on their natural resources.

Singapore which is a shining example of the Asian Tigers is one country whose success story we are told depended on the leadership of PHD provided by Lee Kuan Yew.

Today, it has become fashionable for the average Ghanaian as well as members of the so-called middle class in society to cite Paul Kagame of Rwanda as the model of leadership required by Africa for its forward movement.

Not only has Kagame demonstrated that leadership is about being decisive and having the tenacity to right the wrongs of society, but has also shown that it requires, patriotism, honesty, and discipline to drive the citizens on the path to progress.

Rwanda which was plunged into a tribal conflict only rivaled by what took place in Chechnya, today is the toast of Africa.

Even though not endowed with the volume of natural resources of other African countries like Ghana and Nigeria, its leader, Paul Kagame has demonstrated that leadership is what matters most.

It is therefore important for Ghanaians to begin to interrogate the PHD principles as espoused by Mr. Agyapong and assess their merits for national development.

Indeed, Ghanaians must begin to question themselves why for more than six decades after independence, the country continues to lag behind.

This is not to say that, our leaders have not over the years tried to deal with what has become our monster.

Perhaps, what has resulted in their failure is the lack of PHD and Ghanaians must be interested in that.

Beyond the rhetoric, Ghanaians must go beyond the suit-wearing images and fine-faced politicians and look out for a leader who has carved the reputation for standing for what he or she believes in no matter what.

Sticking my neck out, I would boldly say the time has come for Ghanaians to interrogate the underlying philosophy of the PHD principle and the personality espousing it.

It is important for Ghanaians to come to terms with the fact that extraordinary circumstances require extraordinary leadership.

Ghanaians can’t continue to repeat the same old-faced politicians with the same old leadership styles and expect new results.

This is the time to give PHD a thought!