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Opinions of Thursday, 18 September 2014

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Is Mamponghene An Accomplice In “Kumawugate” Bribery Scandal?

Inferring from an authoritative view arrogantly expressed by the occupant of the Silver Stool, Daasebre Osei Bonsu II (Mamponghene), one can only guess the effective, but self-confused role, he played in what has now become “Kumawugate Bribery Scandal”. Known in private life as Gyimah Kese, alias Saint; Daasebre Osei Bonsu II, has compromised his dignity, if he had any at all, as once the Registrar of Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST).

On 24 February 2014, at the Asanteman Council meeting or sitting purposed for the final arbitration of the Kumawu Chieftaincy dispute, as it nearly turned out, Mamponghene delivered a complicitous statement. When he was offered the platform to share his views on the seemingly never-ending Kumawu chieftaincy case, as to whether the swearers of the Asantehene Oath brought before the Council, and the actions of Kumawuhemaa, regarding her choice of candidate for the Kumawu Koduah Stool, were authentic and in line with Asante custom and tradition, he made some shocking statement.

Mamponghene condemned the invokers’ (Mr Kwabena Osei, alias Paa Agyei; Nana Kwabena Darkwah; Aduanahene Nana Sarfo Agyekum, alias Joe Fry and Opanyin Kwasi Krapa) actions as reckless. He castigated them for frivolously invoking the Asantehene Great Oath, hence supporting his predecessors’ view of condemnation, and calling for the traditional arrest with subsequent punishment, of the invokers according as tradition demands.

He further insinuated that Kumawu citizens are not intelligent enough by wondering why they would in this day and age prefer to not having an educated person (University graduate) to rule them, but a simpleton without a University degree, probably. Following this absurd indirect insult on the people of Kumawuman, I placed a publication on the internet requesting Mamponghene to apologise unreservedly to Kumawuman citizens. He has not yet done as requested. He will surely not do it, as stubborn educated University graduate as he is.

What I am greatly concerned about is his statement made, amid warning to the Kumawu kingmakers or electors. He said, “If you agitate me, I will reveal everything that I know about you. I am certainly aware of the fact that the queen has promised you three (Kumawu Kontrehene, Akwamuhene and Nifahene), a brand new car each if you help her enthrone her candidate as the new Kumawuhene-elect”

I will not go any further, but will curtail my story by asking how Mamponghene became privy to that secret arrangement to bribe the kingmakers with a car each? These kingmakers had already accepted bribes of GHc15, 000 to Kontrehene, GHc10, 000 to Akwamuhene, GHc10, 000 to Nifahene, GHc5, 000 to Gyasehene with a further promise to pay them GHc50, 000 out of which sum GHc7, 000 deposit payment had been made to them already.

Back to Bataan! Does Mamponghene know that giving and accepting bribe is a criminal offence in Ghana? I refer him to the CRIMINAL CODE, 1960 (ACT 29) (Consolidated up to 1999) - THE CRIMINAL CODE (AMENDMENT) ACT, 2003 (ACT 646). Let him check the consequential effect of his audaciously shameful public assertion on himself, the Kumawu kingmakers, Kumawuhemaa and the hastily announced Kumawuhene-elect. Will paragraph 13 of the Warrington notes be of any worry to him?

A bully will certainly have his comeuppance, same as every French has their Waterloo.

Kumawu people are still waiting for a profound apology from Mamponghene for insulting their intelligence and for involving himself in a bribery scandal directed at depriving Kumawuman of a more credible chief. Look at how Mamponghene, a graduate of course, has entangled himself in crime by being utterly irresponsible. Have my readers now seen how one can be highly educated but lacks wisdom and common sense?

I would in any given day choose my uneducated "Odikro of Asiampa", Nana Yaw Ampong, over and above Mamponghene and his like-minded criminals were he alive today. He was caring and had love for his subjects and anyone he came into contact with. Never in his life did he involve himself in irrational, tactical and bullying propositions. He would straight away realise that such acts contravene conventional, moral and spiritual laws and so would not do them.


Rockson Adofo