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Opinions of Wednesday, 25 November 2020

Columnist: Efo Edem

Is Martin Amidu seeking his own interest or that of the state

Martin Amidu, Special Prosecutor Martin Amidu, Special Prosecutor

In barely two weeks Ghana will be choosing their next president and any vital information withheld from the public by “Citizen Vigilante” may negatively influence the choices most people make on Election Day. Therefore, it is strange that Martin Amidu, Ghana’s foremost “no-nonsense” fearless anti-corruption crusader, has opted to gag himself following his resignation as the Special Prosecutor and look on while unsuspecting Ghanaians make a wrong choice at the polls.

Ghanaians have a choice between a humble, incorruptible hardworking nation-builder, and an egomaniacal, corrupt, bankrupt, vindictive, and nepotistic leader who is only interested in enriching his family and friends and impoverishing the rest of the citizenry.

The once bold firebrand Citizen Vigilante seems to have his fiery anti-corruption crusade doused and quenched by the momentous unprecedented scale and odious pervasive stench of corruption exuded by Nana Akufo-Addo’s NPP administration.

The former Special Prosecutor Martin A.B.K Amidu aka Citizen Vigilante in an interview hosted on Accra-based Citi-FM’s uncharacteristically informed Umara Sanda, that he may expose further corrupt dealings of Nana Akufo-Addo and his cronies only if they do not stop their smear campaign against him. He cautioned that should such personal attacks continue “we will wash our dirty linen in public.”

Martin Amidu hinted that Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta, paid a surprise visit at his residence on 21st October at the time he was writing the report on the corruption risk assessment on the Agyapa Royalties transaction. However, Citizen Vigilante refused to publicly disclose the purpose of Ken Ofori-Atta’s unannounced visit and what transpired between them on that day and subsequent days thereafter. He further revealed that he had received numerous death threats following the release of the Agyapa report.

Amidu further disclosed that he tried reaching the Minister for National Security, Kan Dapaah, on telephone countless times but his calls were surprisingly avoided and not picked. He then had to confide in a former National Security official to help reach Kan Dapaah.

Why is Martin Amidu keeping Ghanaians in the dark by withholding information? Why is Martin Amidu treating corrupt Nana Akufo-Addo and his corrupt cronies with kid gloves when he previously unleashed pure venom on the former NDC regime in the run-up to the 2016 elections? Is Martin Amidu rewarding corrupt Nana Akufo-Addo by his current posture? When are we going to see the fierce anti-corruption crusader, Citizen Vigilante, that harangued the previous regime?

Martin Alamisi Burns Kaiser Amidu, please speak out! You cannot fail this country by unwittingly allowing us to blindly chose our next president.