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Opinions of Friday, 9 December 2011

Columnist: Poku, Kwadwo

Is Mills In New York For Medical Treatment?

By Kwadwo Poku

The past couple of days have seen the news wires festooned with the whereabouts of Mills as well as the pillaging of him taking leave in the Big Apple. Question is, So What? The president says he is on leave, travels to New York and Ghanaians are getting heart attacks over a seemingly deserved leave. Is this a debatable issue? Taking vacation on tax payers dime as the leader of a nation flows with the territory of being President.

Having hit home that point, I find it disingenuous for Mills to muddy his vacation with official duties. Word is, he met the UN Secretary General at the UN headquarters and discussed security measures concerning the upcoming elections in 2012. This my friends, is what I can't stand. If he is on leave, it means he is directly divorced from official duties and can only engage in them by proxy. His meeting with the Secretary General was to fool Ghanaians into believing he is a hard working man who even works for the nation when he is asleep.

This type of political histrionics never strikes my fancy. I believe he is in New York for medical treatment and doesn't want us to know. If that is the case, I have no problem with that whatsoever, after all he is our leader and must have the best of medical care should the need arise. But for him to dabble in obfuscation by making us believe he works hard for us even on leave makes me think twice about the Rawlings utterances concerning him. If he is on leave and seeking medical treatment, we don't have to know about it ( at least for now) but he shouldn't muddy it with official business. That will not fly.

Kwadwo Poku N Y