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Opinions of Monday, 29 October 2012

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Is NDC Credible enough for a Second Term in office?

From my personal observation, the NDC does not worth my vote. I will shortly advance the reasons why they are irredeemably unworthy of any sensible person's vote. They are just as bad. We have to chase them out of political power. I see them as standing on the precipice of political power waiting for Ghanaians to elbow them in the ribs if they refuse to jump themselves.

One would normally expect a truant child to change for the better, as he or she grows older. Nevertheless, this is not the case with the NDC. They rather get deeper and deeper involved in preposterous actions that get worse and worse by each passing day.

The NDC have gained notoriety for being reckless of managing the nation's finances. They, as individuals at the helm of the nation's affairs have penchant for embezzling funds to the detriment of the masses. It is an open secret they have connived with fraudsters to swindle Ghana through the infamous judgment debt payments. The NDC have passed with distinction or emerged with flying colours in gargantuan corruption. Do we as discerning Ghanaians allow such a group of insatiably greedy crooks a second four-year term in office to inflict further untold thievery on Mother Ghana?

The NDC are pure liars. They claim to have removed 1700 schools from under trees. When we ask them to show us the areas where those schools have been built or removed from under trees, they refuse. Barely a year into office, they claimed to have created 1.6 Million new jobs. When checked, they had not even created 1000. Their rented radio phone-in serial callers claim the NDC government has completed the construction of some Western and Eastern Corridor roads. When probed further, they have no clue where those corridors are. No such roads exist. This is just but to mention a few instances of how the NDC have majored in lies. Do such liars merit a second 4-year term in office?

The NDC are completely lawless. They are law unto themselves and always get away with blue murder. Were their foot soldiers not locking up the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) offices, beating their staff, seizing public toilets etc., and in some situations inflicting fatal machete wounds on their victims? Did not some people perceive to be NDC activists butcher others in Agobgloshie Market and got away with it? This selective justice in operation under the NDC government is not good for peace to prevail in Ghana. While a section of the population may live in fear, the NDC rogues are enjoying a field day. Can we honestly vote to re-elect people of such deplorable behaviour and mediocre calibre?

The NDC have nothing better for Ghana. As ignorant of national administration as they are, they think to use propaganda to achieve their horrible aim by throwing dust into our eyes. Nobody runs a nation successfully by resorting to mere propaganda. They do not have knowledge of administering a nation. Instead of seeking help, they rather prefer running their slimy mouth on anyone pointing out their shortcomings to them in constructive criticism. Do we accord these confused entities a second four-year term in office?

Just consider how one Alex Segbefia, the Deputy Chief of Staff, employed and defended his friend, Carl Wilson, to steal almost all luxurious cars imported into the country by private Ghanaians. The impounded cars were shared among, or auctioned at pittance, to NDC government and party members. Do you want these crooks to continue ruling Ghana?

Again, the NDC have no viable policies to implement to alleviate the daily hardships confronting majority of Ghanaians. Nana Akuffo-Addo comes up with great policies to shame the incompetent NDC government. Guess what. The NDC come out strongly not only to destructively criticize, but also, condemn the entire policies as unachievable. When their policy of condemnation "got a rude jolt from widespread opposition", they have now come out saying, Nana Akuffo-Addo's flagship free SHS education is not his own brainchild. It was already enshrined in the Constitution, sitting there collecting volumes of dust all over it in those idle years. These people have no alternatives to the very policies they demonically condemn because they are politically, economically and socially brainless. Will you give your vote to such people?

Will you entrust your life into the hands of the NDC for the next four years? The decision is yours to make. I will definitely not allow the NDC rule me further than 7th or 13th January 2012 when the thumps of Ghanaians will have required them to hand over the mantle of government to the NPP and Nana Dankwa Addo Akuffo-Addo.

Are you still around and kicking, DJ Sources? Please tune in to Sources radio UK 96.3 FM or locate it online on

For freedom, respect, and non-selective justice, please cast your vote for Nana Akuffo-Addo and the NPP on December 7, 2012.

Rockson Adofo