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Opinions of Thursday, 30 June 2022

Columnist: Rockson Adofo

Is NDC honest with themselves and with the public?

The NDC hopes to win the election in 2024 The NDC hopes to win the election in 2024

I cannot really fathom what may be wrong with NDC as a political party. Almost all of their members and sympathizers are overflowing with the love of telling lies at any least opportunity they get. No wonder they have established a school where probably, the main subject they teach is ideological indoctrination.

A party with an established office of propaganda where members are coached on how best to tell lies to deceive the public with the intent to cause public disaffection for their rival political parties, especially the ruling political party, is not worth their salt and unworthy of discerning citizens' attention.

A party that for want of power at all costs, will arrange a secret meeting in a secluded place to coach its attendee members on how to kidnap people, cause arsons, insult certain dignitaries in the country, cause murders, etc., all in the name of making the sitting president and his NPP government unpopular to get the Ghanaian public rise up to kick them out of power is not a serious political party.

A party that is as populist, clueless, incompetent and devoid of an iota of truth in their mouth as their leadership is exceedingly infatuated with malfeasances, stands no chance of winning elections in any civilized white man's land but in Ghana and continental Africa, where criminals seem to be held in high esteem.

The current high inflation in Ghana with its attendant high cost of living; petrol and food prices going astronomically high on a daily basis, should not be seen as the mismanagement of the economy by the NPP government headed by His Excellency the President, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, but a world phenomenon.

The alarming economic situation in Ghana has come about as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic where for almost two years, worldwide economic activities came to a standstill, nearly collapsing both the strong and weak economies. Again, the ongoing Russia/Ukraine war has come to exacerbate the situation.

Ukraine is noted for supplying a great percentage of the world's consumption of wheat, Sunflower cooking oil and fertilizer. With the war and the difficulty to export such items to the countries where they are needed most, it is certain that artificial scarcity with its concomitant demand and supply repercussions will ensue to the detriment of many a world economy.

Again, Russia supplies great quantities of oil and gas to the world, especially, to Europe. With the dreaded destructive war going on, such supplies have been largely curtailed hence culminating in the high cost of such products to consumers.

Why should NDC pretend that nothing of such problems that are beyond the control of any government worldwide are taking place but pin it down on the head of the NPP government for their alleged bad management of the economy? Are they being realistic to themselves and Ghanaians? No!!!

They are simply crazy to win political power at all costs hence going to any length to deceive Ghanaians by telling them absolute lies about the NPP government and President Akufo-Addo.

Are they not principally the very people demonstrating as the "Fix the country" and "Rise Ghana Group" dubbed "KromAyeShe" agitators? If they are not, which undoubtedly they are, then they are surely the force behind such protestors.

Why does the NDC believe in populism but not policies and programmes to win elections? Why do they think they are born to be heads but not tails?

Ghanaians, please wise up. Don't allow the NDC to fool you all of the time.

It is the whole world that is facing an economic meltdown but not Ghana alone.

Come to the United Kingdom where I live and you may find the situation even worse than in Ghana. Go to the USA, France, Belgium, Germany, just to mention a few, and you will find the economic hardships unbearable to the citizens same as it is to Ghanaians.

The only explanation given for the worsened economic situation in each of the mentioned countries and those not mentioned is the adverse effect of the Covid-19 pandemic and the Russia/Ukraine war. What then are the NDC saying, as malicious liars and damn opportunists as they are?

I think I should not be angry at the NDC for their pure malevolence towards Ghanaians and their political NPP rivals but at the NPP for their nonchalance about telling Ghanaians their achievements and the causes of the recent economic hardships Ghanaians are forced to live with while the government is trying her hardest to get things back on track, hoping the Russia/Ukraine war will end sooner.

Until NDC as a party and people seeking quick money cease their deplorably lying attitudes and sheer wickedness, I shall be on their case from today onwards.