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Opinions of Saturday, 27 February 2016

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Is Paul Afoko still chirping & barking?

It is said, "He who does not know, and knows not that he does not know is a fool". It is very unfortunate to see Mr Paul Afoko still wallowing in ignorance, same believing that he is the rightful Chairman of NPP despite his well-documented indefinite suspension from duty as the Chair of NPP.

I hope every intelligent and caring Ghanaian, except his secret employers who planted him in NPP as a mole, will see his instituted but bound to fail court actions against NPP as barking at the moon (protesting in vain).

Yes, it is an undeniable fact that he was elected by thousands of NPP delegates at an organised NPP Delegates Conference. However, the delegates have bestowed power on the elected party Executives to ensure the effective and unbiased implementation of the party's rules and regulations, thus, the party's constitution and grievance procedural structures. Therefore, it is erroneous on his part to believe that it should take the same number of delegates to oust him from power but not a selected few party Executives. If this is the belief that motivated him to take the party to court and is still pursuing the party in court, then he must be the biggest, if not the most ignorant joker in Ghana.

It does not take the entire Ghanaian electorates to make, amend or repeal laws but the elected few parliamentarians in whom the electorates do entrust such powers once they vote to elect them. Subsequently, Mr Paul Afoko is just barking up the wrong tree (misdirecting his efforts) by his pursuit of NPP leadership in court and the granting of non-stop but hopeless radio interviews in a machismo manner.

What many Ghanaians suspected had come to realisation. They had all along suspected the allegiance of Mr Kwadwo Mpiani to Nana Akufo Addo and NPP. Many had alleged that he was one of the primary architects of the hideous "Agenda 2020" movement secretly hatched by some malevolent members of NPP to scupper the dreams of Nana Akufo Addo ever becoming the President of Ghana.

Mr Mpiani is using the presumably less intelligent Paul Afoko as a springboard for achieving his selfishly rapacious disposition. Mr Mpiani's nephew is married to Ibrahim Mahama's sister with whom he has two or more children. Therefore, there is no wonder that it is in the best interest for Mr Mpiani to push for President Mahama's retention of power come election 2016 hence collaborating with an equally evil-minded person, Paul Afoko.

Despite whatever Messrs Afoko and Mpiani are doing, President Mahama will not be re-elected, God willing.

I will doubt the integrity of Mr Mpiani as the Chief of Staff during former President Kufuor's regime if he could not read the mind of Paul Afoko as someone who was, and is, pursuing a dubious agenda purposed to cost Nana Akufo Addo the presidency and NPP the government come 7th November 2016.

Paul Afoko had better stop chirping like a hungry bird or barking like a panic-stricken dog.

Would it not be better for him to keep his silence and lick his wounds in peace probably as Mr Kwabena Agyei Agyapong is doing? If Afoko really loves NPP to come back to power by successfully wrestling the presidency and government from the NDC, he must stop being used as a springboard by the likes of Kwadwo Mpianis for all bad reasons.

No matter what line of action he takes, his removal from the chairmanship post is a foregone conclusion. He can allow himself to be pushed around like an inhibited person by Sammy Crabbe, Kwadwo Mpiani etc., who cares!

Please Mr Afoko, you could have been employed by NDC or some malevolent persons in NPP to destroy the party and their chances of winning election 2016, however, you have failed and will always fail to attain your objective as long as God lives.

Will you mind giving us a break from the disturbing chirpings and barking?

Lest I forget, was it not Mr Mpiani who was alleged to have said he will ensure that Nana Akufo Addo does not come to power by encouraging Ashantis not to vote for him because the Ashantis and the Akyems have a historic problem between them? It is only in his dreams. He thinks the ordinary Ashantis are stupid. He wants to enjoy his money earned as the Chief of Staff and continues to earn dubiously by secretly supporting President Mahama because of his nephew as mentioned above. What a joke he is!

Rockson Adofo