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Opinions of Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Is President Mahama Not A Curse On Ghana?

I have been reflecting on the question, "Is President Mahama not a curse on Ghana" for a while. This idea has been provoked by the fact that since the ascendancy of John Dramani Mahama to the presidency, all things in Ghana are falling apart and the centre cannot hold. Unlike the mythical King Midas and his golden touch, whatever President Mahama touches turns into failure, if not utter disaster. This convinces me that he is a bad luck, if not a complete curse emerged from the outer space to be imposed on Ghanaians through fraudulent election results made possible by Dr Afari Gyan, William Atuguba and "Ashanti Nana".

Let me take my readers and fans alike through some of the instances having the potential to justify my assertion or suspicion as indicated.

Since President Mahama assumed office as the First Gentleman of Ghana, corruption has almost become institutionalized in the country. His Government Ministers and appointees with his NDC party members are the very ones perpetrating and perpetuating these dangerous and cancerous acts of corruption. They are scrambling for illegal wealth through unprecedented collusive acts of "create, loot and share" via especially, the infamous "Judgment debt payments"

Under his eagle eyes, claws and watch, President Mahama has nearly collapsed the enviable National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) introduced by former President Kufuor's NPP-led government. The NHIS was introduced to save precious Ghanaian lives that were otherwise being wasted through lethal "Cash & Carry" policy by former President Rawlings. Poor Ghanaians who could not afford hospital bills were not treated but left to die when taken to hospital during Rawlings' reign. Women taken to delivery wards were held at the hospitals along with their babies for as long as it took them to pay the related bills.

The Youth Employment Scheme, now renamed GYEEDA, has collapsed through same acts of eyesore official corruption. The youth are not getting employment because the money is being redirected into some dubious ventures and pockets with President Mahama doing practically nothing to rectify the undesirable situation.

The Savannah Accelerated Development Authority (SADA) meant for developing the Northern part of Ghana through specified government interventions has collapsed through same acts of corruption. About GHc33 Million of the project's fund was said to have been diverted from pre-planned ventures into the rearing of guinea fowl ("nkonfem") for both local consumption and commercial export. When it came to accounting for the guinea fowls which although, was not part of the project, only 600 birds and 200 eggs were seen, with the rest of the birds alleged to have flown to Burkina Faso to never return. This is John Mahama and his tribally-inclined and totally nepotistic NDC government for you.

Let me end with the infamous power outages that have become a worrisome topic of public discussion since the past few years, thereby culminating in the greetings of "Dumsor oo!" then the respondent says, "Yaa Mahama".

During former President Kufuor's era, Ghanaians had to put up with minimal power outages in the form of power rationing. But for the fondness of corruption and depiction of incompetence and cluelessness by President Mahama, the situation has deteriorated into persistent power blackouts for days on end hence the current Ghanaian teasing parlance of "Dum, dum, dumsor oo! – Yaa Mahama oo!"

Businesses are collapsing and workers being laid off at unimaginable rate, all because of the horrible power outages. People's electrical appliances are breaking down owing to the constant power surges suffered by the appliances as a result of the repeatedly unannounced ON and OFF power supplies.

There is said to be a rise in armed robbery. This is facilitated by the darkness emanating from the "dum, dum dumsor" as armed robbers operate, especially, at night. Do we not say, "Committing vices under the cover of darkness?" Most robbers operate at night fall in the hope of avoiding detection.

All the above calamities, forming only a fraction of the ills brought to bear upon Ghanaians by President Mahama, go to confirm how cursed he is and how Ghanaians are suffering as a result of it.

Someone told me Ghanaians are probably being punished by God. The person said, in the bible whenever the Israelites sinned against God, He appointed a wicked King to lead them until they repented. Are we being punished because we accepted President Mahama, clearly knowing that Election 2012 was rigged in his favour according as viewed by the live telecast of the Supreme Court proceedings of Election 2012 petition filed by Nana Akufo Addo & Co?

Ghana is sinking under President Mahama yet, the NDC faithful still cherish the hope and belief that Ghanaians will give them a further mandate of a 4-year 2nd term to rule Ghana, probably because they see Ghanaians as fools that cannot see, cannot speak and cannot hear. Are Ghanaians like the three wise or stupid monkeys that believe in the philosophy of "See no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil?"

What is your take on this matter, fans and readers?

Lest I forget, I shall be in the studio of Sources radio (FM) UK on Tuesday 17 February 2015 at 16:00 and probably on Wednesday 18 February 2015 at the same time to grant interview to DJ Sources on Kumawu stool dispute and other general topics, e.g. Ghanaian politics. You may have the opportunity to listen to me live on either your laptop or desktop by keying in and on your Android phones, Tablet, IPAD or iPhone on Google play store.

Rockson Adofo