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Opinions of Friday, 24 January 2014

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Is President Mahama that Clueless and Callous?

? ? President Mahama and his bunch of clueless NDC fanatics have driven Ghana into financial and economic abyss. How on earth could President Mahama justify his appointment of Koku Anyidoho as his National Security aide? Is Mahama being crazy, incompetent, or he is simply taking Ghanaians for fools by creating jobs for his "Yeah, Yeah" criminal boys? ? Last year, I wrote about Anyidoho sitting in the offices of the National Security spewing nonsense on the internet under impersonated or assumed names of Margaret Jackson and Nana Akua Tweneboah Kodua. How dare Mahama appoint such a criminal as his National Security aide? Is it because of all the balderdash he wrote about his rivals, especially, about Nana Akufo Addo and the NPP, under those fictitious names? Did he advance the cause of the NDC government by such preposterous endeavours?No wonder that birds of the same feathers flock together. Like father like son. Like Mahama like Anyidoho.?NDC are noted for rewarding criminals who do their dirty work for them as Koku Anyidoho had done in the names just mentioned above. Mahama and his Ghanaian version of the Arabian "Ali Baba and his forty thieves" are plundering Ghana as if tomorrow never comes. The degree of their insatiable greed is overwhelming. He is still chewing on the bone after eating all the meat. This shows how far the NDC and John Mahama especially, can go in pursuit of their diabolical selfish objectives. ? Since the days of the late President Mills until today, the NDC as a party and government reward the rogues among them. Anyone able to throw much dust into the eyes of the public in attempts to promote the roguish cause of the NDC government and party is rewarded with promotion, bribe money or appointment. A case in point is Anyidoho. ?Is it how a government is run? Is it how a country is successfully managed? Actually, the management of Ghana has gone to dogs. Excuse my French! However, there is coming a day of reckoning where Mahama will be obliged to render account of his stewardship to Ghana. On that day, he will wail as though he has lost his numerous children.

What a failure but a clever charlatan? ?