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Opinions of Monday, 22 August 2011

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Is President Mills Hallucinating about the 2012 Elections?

Hahahahahahaaa!, I cannot cease laughing my head off upon hearing President Mills deride himself by saying, "I will hand over a peaceful nation in 2017" No wonder he is said to be hallucinating. Let me remind him of there being elections in 2012. He should first concern himself about that results than that of 2017 unless he tells me he has rigged those results already.

I can confidently say without mincing words that President Mills does not merit a second term in office. I make this assertion based simply on the fact that he is not in the least control of his government, let alone, being in full control. He is as well a hypocrite who does not live up to his words. More often than not, has he spoken generally about politics of insults prevalent under his watch yet refuses to chide his repulsive Deputy Ministers for churning out insults at each breath? He does not seem to be proactive but reactive on probably impulse.

How can a President who believes in things taking their natural course because God is the President of Ghana be conveniently allowed a second term in office? He seems to accept the fact that he is a puppet manipulated by a Supreme Being or by the members of his government. God is Supreme and controls everything, for that we all know. However, God has endowed human beings with the knowledge and power to make informed decisions to run our own affairs bearing in mind each one will account for their deeds and misdeeds in the end. Is President Mills exercising this power vested in him by God? I doubt it. He is fooling Ghanaians by portraying himself as a God-fearing man who is ordained to rule Ghana for eight years. Why cannot he bring himself up to control, or at least, expel one of his Deputy Ministers who have become like inquisitive gossiping parrots chirping insults to serve as a lesson to others to be of good behaviour?

Did it not take the NDC foot soldiers to wake him up from his slumber to react when one Carl Wilson was stealing cars from innocent Ghanaian car importers? Do Ghanaians need such a person to rule them again after his first four-year term runs out? No! The decision is for the discerning Ghanaian electorates to make but not President Mills irrespective of how much money will change hands in attempts to buy their votes.

Rockson Adofo