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Opinions of Monday, 28 November 2011

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Is President Mills Really a Christian or simply a Deceiver?

Ghana is a secular State as much as I am aware. The sitting President of the Republic of Ghana, His Excellency Professor Evans Fiifi Atta Kraka Mills is a known quiet person. However, being outwardly quiet or timid does not necessarily make one a true Christian but probably a carnal-minded Christian. As an Arab Muslim caught, drinking alcohol would normally say in his defence when questioned about his Islamic devoutness, "I am a non-practicing Muslim" (Je suis un musulman non-exercé). To him, this answer exonerates him from any blame although, a locally known Muslim he is, or may be. He is not infringing the Islamic principles, he thinks. Nevertheless, he is.

Similarly, President Mills professes a devout Christian going by the self-acclaimed title "Asomdwehene" – A man of Peace. I often hold my forehead in my palm as though I am suffering from a bad headache; actually, I am pondering over whether or not Mr Mills takes Ghanaians for major fools.

Many are those in Ghana who erroneously take the quietness of President Mills for good religiosity and quality leadership. I wonder the basis of the logic in these persons' assumption. A good leader is not the one who keeps mute in the face of his house being in a total mess. Is it not a popular adage among the Akans that, "an elderly person who sits nonchalantly agape while children eat snake is himself counted among snake eaters?" President Mills gleefully sits in the comfort of the Castle while his yobbish boys in the persons of Koku Anyidoho, Kobby Acheampong, Agyenim Boateng, Baba Jamal etc. go on air insulting responsible individuals in the country. Their public insolence coupled with the probable behind the curtain supportive goading by the President makes him less a true Christian if at all he is. Their insults meant to intimidate innocent Ghanaians will not yield them the desired fruits. It will backfire in their face, God willing.

Why could the President's Communications Director, Koku Anyidoho, go public to issue life threats against the NPP's flag-bearer, Nana Addo Danquah Akuffo-Addo? Mr. Anyidoho could never do that without the tacit support and inciting by the President. What a shame, Mr. Magician President Mills. I wonder why President Atta Mills appears to be relishing in the utter stupidity and intransigencies of his uncouth Presidential Aides. To me, he does not exhibit the character of an "Asomdwehene" that makes Ghanaians proud.

It is their own cup of tea, those praising and taking President Mills' quietness for sign of good leadership. He is just being as sly as a fox. His apparent hypocrisy, desire to remain mute when he should talk and act should be a serious weakness enough to vote him out of office come 2012 elections. Ghanaians need a dynamic, honest and Father-for-all person to lead the nation but not a hypocrite puppet who does not breathe but talks type of President.

A true Christian will act positively even when death is staring him or her in the face. President Mills cowers in the face of truth. On the other hand, has that disease of untruthfulness, which is tormenting most Ghanaian pastors, prophets and evangelists, infected him? Until President Mills calls his truant boys to order, I am pulling up my sleeves ready to lash out on the NDC. You cannot win elections on unfounded fabrications of total lies. I am disgusted at the lies in fabrication and perpetration by the NDC. I will continue to expose them. I will expose the shallow-mindedness and the evil intentions of the NDC whenever I find free time.

Is it not a maxim of old that among themselves all things are common to friends? Are lies then not common to all NDC with President Mills inclusive? Yes, it is! Baba Jamal is my witness if you care to inquire further about how most NDC gurus if not all, are liars. As the Frenchman will say, "vous mentez comme vous respirez" – (you lie as you breathe), so are the NDC people.

The battle to liberate Ghana from the lies, intransigencies, intimidations and incompetence of the NDC starts now.

Rockson Adofo