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Opinions of Thursday, 19 April 2012

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Is President Mills a Policeman by Extension of his Executive Functions?

There are many abuses taking place in Ghana. Some truants have been committing all sorts of outrageous crimes but do get away with them. These lawless criminals go scot free simply for belonging in the NDC. They have become untouchables by the extension of the protective arm of the NDC machinery operating on selective judgment. Both the security forces and the NDC yobs drastically deal with anyone not belonging in NDC.

The Ghana police are in fear of the NDC. Any police personnel fear losing their job hence tirelessly steering clear of acts deemed offensive by an NDC person. In this respect, they have become lame ducks when confronted with NDC's brutish lawlessness. They are always softie to the NDC while being abusively harsh handling cases involving the NPP sympathisers.

President Mills who is also the Chief-Commander of the Ghana Armed Forces thinks he is not a police officer and so will bury his head in the sand like an ostrich even if the NDC thugs kill everyone. He is simply a joke. The Ghana Armed Forces comprises the Army, the Navy, the Air Force and the Police. If truly the police are part of the forces under his command, then he is somehow a police officer. He does not necessarily have to wear a police uniform to be able to perform his relevant security functions.

Was President Mills not the sole force behind the appointment of the Inspector General of Police (IGP), Paul Tawiah? Can he not order the IGP to task his boys and girls in uniform to discharge their police duties professionally effectively without fear or favour? Until President Mills tasks the IGP to live above reproach by discharging his duties in line with his professional requirements, the IGP will forever remain partial, incompetent, a stooge, a waste of space and a drain on taxpayer's pocket.

President Mills sits on his lap twirling his fingers while his present and past Ministers bully the police. Kobby Acheampong, that irresponsible and disgusting chirping Deputy Interior Minister of the "Kookooase" infamy, caused the arrest of some police officers. The police officers caught him over-speeding on a stretch of accident-prone road in the Central region. Owing to how dangerous the area is, police had/have been assigned to the area to prevent motorists from over-speeding in the hope of reducing, if not avoiding, needless occurrences of fatal motor accidents. What did he do when a police officer on duty at that stretch of road stopped him? He ordered the IGP or the Accra Police Commander to move in police armour cars to Central region to arrest all the four or so police officers on post at the time one of them flagged him down.

The IGP suspended the on-duty officers. They are still on suspension without pay, I should think. What did Atta Mills, the non-performing President do? On the other hand, did he not hear about that abuse of position by that uncivilized abusive Kobby Acheampong, an albatross hanging dangerously around the neck of Ghanaian body politics and gradually tipping it into its grave?

The former NDC Greater Accra Regional Minister, Nii Armah Ashittey, is campaigning to force out of office the Commander of the Police for Motor Traffic and Transportation Unit (MTTU), ACP Angwubutoge Awuni. The police Commander reprimanded him for obstructing some people from registering biometrically. He feels offended by the fact that a mere police officer without comparative status could chastise him for his actions. He has the NDC yobbish machinery behind his thuggish behaviour. Is President Mills, the self-denied police officer aware of this? If he is, what is he doing about it?

President Mills, you are not only the Father for all for nothing. You must behave, as any responsible parent would do when it comes to protecting their children. You must be more than a police officer; be impartial, eschew nepotism and avoid selective judgment.

Rockson Adofo