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Opinions of Friday, 3 February 2012

Columnist: Ayeboafo, Yaw

Is President Mills a Political Charlatan?

The emerging revelations from Woyomegate beholds on President Mills to come out once and for all to assuage his fast sinking reputation and the high office he holds. It is important for Ghanaians to know from President Mills what he actually knew and ought to have known regarding the concealment of the prosecution of “gargantuan crimes” against the people of Ghana.

In fact his answer is urgently needed if he might be cleared from being a “charlatan in political disguise.” It’s clear from the President’s own sanctioned investigation that his orders, if any, against the payment were disregarded on two occasions by his appointees. Why did the President fail to act then? This is a serious indictment.

The irony is President Mills created the impression that he knew nothing about the payment before ordering EOCO to investigate. It seems from the report that the President lied to Ghanaians in his quest to distance himself from the payment when he said “...when I know the plight of our people, when I know our people are crying for water, the basic necessities of life, how can I be so criminally-minded, so irresponsible to say give 58 million to one person.” January 9, 2012, Castle.

Will President Mills now take responsibility for his imminent criminal culpability and irresponsibility as it is established by EOCO? It is serious negligence of duty, yet this President thinks his role in the Woyomegate is not good reason to nail him. “You may want to nail Atta Mills to the cross, but if you want to do so, please find the right reasons...” President Mills, January 9, 2012.

The level of recklessness of this President demands his immediate resignation or impeachment as he’s not ready to take responsibility for the onerous duty on him as President of the Republic. Per Article 69(1)b of the 1992 Fourth Republican Constitution, the President has “ conducted himself in a manner-(i) which brings or is likely to bring the high Office of President into disrepute, ridicule or contempt; or (ii) prejudicial or inimical to the economy….” Knowing what the President knew before ordering the investigation by EOCO, the President has caused financial loss to the State apart from his negligence that led to the payment of GHC 58m to Woyome. Moreover, his order of investigation into a matter that had been dealt by the Judiciary was also an aberration which he should be made to take responsibility.

President Mills is always quick to extol his virtues. Now that it is established that he knew of the payment, he must do the honourable by resigning if indeed he’s so concerned about the plight of the suffering Ghanaian. Other than that, all those who need water, schools and basic amenities should rise up and challenge President Mills’ power by voting massively against him come December. Yaw Awuah Boadu Ayeboafo, [email protected] Tepa Ashanti