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Opinions of Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Is President Mills under *** Evil Spell?

Many Ghanaians do approach me to seek my opinion on whether or not President Mills is under some sort of evil spell. I wonder why they think I may have an answer to this serious question. However, I will try to approach the discussion of this question with an open mind.

According to the convictions of these inquisitive minds, President Mills has surrounded himself with politically inexperienced young men who had not worked before. These young political appointees are in to amass wealth to prove to their peers how successful they are in life. Most of them are from the background where their members are noted for resorting to juju to achieve their objectives or cast evil spell on their opponents for reasons best known to the initiators of such spells.

They also allege these young politicians are fond of usurping the executive powers of President Mills to sack people, make certain policy statements and utterances which are solely the prerogative of the President. Mr Ato Ahwoi, the alleged mighty hand ruling Ghana with President Mills as a puppet, was able to override President Mills to rather choose an appointee of his (Ato Ahwoi’s) choice. The best President Mills could say was, “Ato Ahwoi 3re hao me”. Ato’s choice of candidate had the job while President Mills’ was thrown out. Koku Anyidoho recently sacked the Ashanti Regional Director of the Electricity Corporation purporting to do that on instruction by President Mills which turned out to be false.

Alex Segbefia, Barton Odro, Carl Wilson, Betty Mould-Iddrisu, and many others have gone their own separate ways to flout the President‘s orders to commit crimes with the motive on making illegal wealth for themselves. In all these circumstances, President Mills simply sits on his lap, twirling his fingers, looking agape into the sky probably marvelled at the uncountable number of the twinkling stars.

Does the inability of President Mills to fully take control of his government an act of having been subjected to an evil spell by some members of his government? The Deputy Information Minister, Okudzeto Ablakwah, recently advised some students who see him as a role model for the youth to dirty their hands if they are willing to get into responsible positions, better their life circumstances as he has now. What does he mean by, “to get their hands dirty in politics?”

Okudzeto Ablakwah is understood to have bribed some Volta Region chiefs with sixteen brand cars. He did that to pave the way for them to permit him contest for parliamentary seat on the ticket of the NDC in that Constituency. The chiefs and people had earlier alleged they would not allow him to compete for elections in their area. After the said bribery, they allowed him to contest and won the NDC primaries to fight the upcoming December 7, 2012 parliamentary elections on the NDC ticket. The same yougman is alleged to have purchased a house in the US. He has built petrol filling stations, shopping mall etc. all in less than four years. Looking at his expenditures and income, how could he afford to carry out all the ventures listed above? Carl Wilson connived with Alex Segbefia to steal cars from the country’s harbours. Alex Segbefia fraudulently assisted Alfred Agbesi Woyome to dupe Ghana to the tune of GHC51 Million.

These *** Mafias are committing unprecedented gargantuan crimes against the State but President Mills looks on “haaaa” like a hungry dog sitting in front of a bar of soap. He is unable to act. This is why these people coming to me conclude President Mills has become a victim of these renowned *** mafia s who think juju, feed juju, dream juju and sleep juju. In whatever they do, it is JUJU.

I personally think it is not the effect of any juju that has rendered him the political, managerial, economic and intellectual weakling as he is but ill-health as read from my previous articles. He is not fit to continue to rule Ghana whether he is under evil spell as others allege or he is suffering from ill-health as it is obvious.

Ghana cannot move forward with such a frail President. I call on all Ghanaians with the love of Ghana at heart to free President Mills and Ghana from the shackles of the *** MAFIA evil spells come December 7, 2012.

VOTE OUT PRESIDENT MILLS and the NDC PARTY on December 7, 2012.

Please tune in to Sources radio UK FM 96.30 or locate it on to hear me live. We have to save Ghana from President Mills, the NDC and the faceless ***mafias.

Rockson Adofo