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Opinions of Wednesday, 13 August 2008

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Is "Sikaduro" a Myth, or a Reality?

"Sikaduro" is a Ghanaian parlance for getting extremely rich within a short period of time under inexplicable circumstances. To unravel the mystery of such a circumstance, it is always associated with one consulting evil forces to granting them very bizarre means of getting rich quicker. The state of opulence as realised in gargantuan materialistic achievements at the rate reminiscent of a stroke of lightning, compel most people to conclude that one has "sikaduro". Mostly, the underachievers in the society or in the community are those that are trigger-happy with issues bordering on "sikaduro". Is it then that their inability to balance the harsh realities of their lives with their aspirations make them envious of the super successful ones hence, accusing them of having "sikaduro?" Is sikaduro then a myth, or a reality? Let us examine a few cases to better draw our own individual conclusions.

In Case one; a cocoa sampler friend of mine was accused of attempting to deal in sikaduro. Hardly had he proceeded to Kumawu from his station for a brief visit to his parents when a messenger was upon his heels to recall him. No sooner had he left his station than his youngest child passed away under a quite mysterious circumstance. The baby had been left asleep in her bed when the mother, a trader, proceeded to the village's market with her ware. A passer-by overheard the child cry uncontrollably but without any other human presence in the house. He hurried to alert the mother how the baby was crying. The mum rushed home only to be greeted by an unsightly scene. A big snake with the tongue flickering was slithering on the roof boards and descending upon the baby. The mum shouted for help and within seconds, a crowd had gathered in the house. The snake was killed and burnt. The child also passed away that same evening.

When my friend (name withheld as per courtesy to the dead), returned to the village he met people seated or gathered to be told why he had been summoned back. The long and short of the story was, after been narrated the circumstances surrounding the child's death, the only thing he could do was to give a deep sigh (hmmmmmm) without uttering a word. Straight away, he started acting mad and truly, he became a made person until his death two years later. He was taken back to Kumawu where he would stroll up and down the streets with his footwear on his head and on most occasions exposing his nudity. People used to say he suffered the repercussions of sikaduro gone haywire.

In Case two; there is a farmer who doubles as an industrialist. He is extremely rich. In some year, he can bury about ten to fifteen of his relatives and or workers. This has been ongoing for several years. There was a year I quite remember very well when such abstruse death was blamed on his workers killing a python believed to be the son or the daughter of a river at one of his farms. What a bizarre co-incidence? He is also accused of sikaduro.

In case three; a young man who aspired to be rich by fair or foul play was struck by an abrupt mysterious illness that took him to his grave. He was a hard working bloke at Kumasi Suame magazine though of questionable character with his determination to get immensely rich quicker. The little said about this dubious trickster, the better. He had his hair shaved off almost every four days. The rate at which he started making money faster, made people point their "sikaduro" finger at him as usual. To say contrary to the fact that this guy was an assiduous worker is an unpardonable sin. He succumbed to a very short illness on his round trip from Kumasi to Accra. Barely a week into the illness, he passed away.

Finally, in case four; a super rich friend of mine has just kicked the bucket. As usual, the very people he doled out money to are spreading unfounded rumours about his wealth. In short, they are bastardizing the means of his affluence. The usual finger pointing of "sikaduro" by the slippery "okra"-mouthed characters is the topic of the day at Kumawu. The gossips have a delicious feed to last them for months if not years. The late Yaw Brenya of blessed memory upon all his wealth that surpassed simpletons' understanding, continued to work harder in his "magazine fitter's" attire. As a superb down to earth mechanic, he was always soiled in grease, dirty oil, lifting heavy metals and block of engines related to his mechanical job. One would least expect him to continue to perform the odd tasks he was doing considering the degree of his astonishing wealth yet, he did it unto death; until death laid its icy hands on him on Thursday, 31 July, 2008.

Yaw was the first among his co-equals to have the interest of his town at heart. He was ever determined to resuscitate Kumawuman from her comatose infrastructural development to put her back on the map of Ghana, clothed in eminence.

Should "sikaduro" be a reality, then the presupposing question is, "why does anyone accused of sikaduro always work harder as they always do?" Why shouldn't they idle about as the underachievers who are fond of easily accusing the successful ones of having "sikaduro" and still get richer? Where is this sikaduro obtained from and how? How possible is it to keep snakes supposed to spew out money that makes one rich in one's stomach, as is always said about sikaduro possessors?

Is it not beyond comprehension the Ghanaians infatuation with the fallacy of "sikaduro?" If sikaduro does exist as it is the belief of many a Ghanaian, then the proprietors of such ignominious act must be arrested. Sikaduro to me is another form of counterfeiting a country's currency which is normally punishable by the Constitutional law. Why then not hold all sikaduro possessors and their proprietors to account on the basis of the relevant Constitutional law? Either we put up or we shut up!

Yaw was my classmate and friend. In case his death is to be treated as premature, then I will opt to blame it on something else other than sikaduro killing him quickly as it is often the case, according to some believers of that philosophy. If his death was unnatural and premature as fond of Ghanaians who do assign reasons for every human death, then he died as a result of aligning himself with Kumawuhemaa in the ongoing Kumawu chieftaincy disputation. It has been revealed that God the Father Almighty has appointed someone of His own to be the successor of the late Barima Asumadu Sakyi II. The Kumawuhemaa as obstinate as she is is moving heaven and earth to thwart the wish of God from materialising. Who can withhold the wish of God? Who can emerge successful from a contest with God? Who can withstand the wrath of God? The answer to all the posed questions is NOBODY. God has avowed to bulldoze any impediment militating against His wish to prove to that entire He is God the Father Almighty, the Maker of Heaven and Earth. He is the one who is called, "I am who I am". One would have expected the chief perpetrator of the crime to be punished, that is, the queen, yet God has chosen to prune first the tree, and then hew down the tree itself if it persists in not yielding the desired fruits. Who am I to tell God what to do? I am nobody.

As the lizard was furious not with the one that cast the stone at it but with the onlooker that said your gauge was perfect, so is God angered at those supporting the queen to resist His wish. As it was in the days of Pharaoh where many died for the king refusing to let the Israelites go, so shall it be in the days of the truant Kumawuhemaa. The machete of God is descending at a ferocious velocity, twisting and clearing all the obstructions in its path. It is only God, who knows why Yaw has been recalled to his Maker though the major financier of the queen in her damnable war against God. Will lessons then be learnt from this? My condolences to the bereaved family and all the classmates and schoolmates of the late Yaw Brenya of ever cherished memory.

Kumawuhemaa should please visit very trustworthy men and women of God to be told the intentions of God about the Kumawu chieftaincy issue to avoid any further heartbreaking deaths. She can on the other hand go on her knees in earnest prayers asking God to reveal His plans about the issue to her in a dream. Failing to abide by this admonition will surely culminate in death to innocent but ignorant people.

Please Mr. Reader, make as many copies of this article and distribute them to as many Kumawuman citizens as you can. I am by this request attempting to avoid a catastrophe imminent upon some innocent persons who ignorantly are siding with the queen in her war against God.

Sikaduro to me is only a myth; a perception in the mind and in the eyes of the beholder. Long live assiduous workers. Bigger is their remuneration! Yaw, may your sins be forgiven by the Gracious God the Father Almighty and your soul rest in perfect peace. Kwantoa, may you lift up your head, dab the tears of your eyes and chart a good course. Be wary of the queen. Adu Anthony, may you represent the entire classmates of Yaw Brenya in this trying moment. Â

Rockson Adofo, London