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Opinions of Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Is This Prophecy From God?

Reading from Ghanaweb news item titled, “Mahama is destined to win 2016 election – Prophet”, I feel obliged to conduct deeper investigations into its veracity by asking pertinent questions. This purported prophetic revelation was published on Ghanaweb under its General News of Friday, 29 August 2014; sourced from the Ghanaian Times. It goes, “The founder and general overseer of Word Victory Chapel International, Prophet Doctor Emmanuel Kofi Enim has prophesied victory for President John Dramani Mahama in the 2016 general election”. According to the prophet, God revealed it to him and asked him to make it public.

The bible confirms God as saying, “Man’s ways are not my ways”. I cannot rubbish the prophecy outright without first probing to establish its falsity or veracity. To Prophet Dr Emmanuel Kofi Enim, under what circumstances was God’s intention about President Mahama made known to you? Had you overeaten, or sleeping comfortably, or praying, when the vision occurred to you? Did God explain to you why President Mahama was going to win the presidency again in 2016?

Is God aware of the thievery; stinking near-institutional corruption in perpetration by President Mahama? Is God aware of the selective justice, nepotism, and harmful tribalism being blatantly practiced by President Mahama? Is God the hearer of prayers of the needy and poor in society? Does God hate Ghanaians that much that He refuses to listen to the supplications of the suffering masses?

God being Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent, is very much aware of how President Mahama has sunk the nation economically socially. Does He expect him to ruin the nation beyond reparation before He descends from the Higher Firmaments to save Ghanaians from their current tribulations? I do not think God is that wicked enough to allow President Mahama with his corrupt NDC government punish Ghanaians that much and still promise him victory in 2016. Ghanaians will not allow anyone to fool them with any quick fixes in 2016 or just before 2016. If President Mahama borrows to flood the Ghana market with sardine, milk and other finished foreign products that will never sway the resolve of Ghanaians to vote him out. He has no foresight, period!

However, “Man’s ways are not God’s ways” and our wishes may not be His wishes. I cannot dispute what the prophet has said since I have not any current counter-prophecy from any of my trusted prophets. Nonetheless, I stand firmly by the previous revelations God made to one Kofi Basoah from Asante-Juaben during, and after Election 2012. God had designated Nana Akufo Addo to win the election. When man in his own wisdom, through detected collusion with Dr Kwadwo Afari Gyan, the Chairman of the Electoral Commission, and President Mahama, rigged the election, visitation of God’s anger upon Ghanaians has become visible. They sought to make God a Liar by their dastardly action.

Things are falling apart without the centre holding in the economic policies of President Mahama/Arthur-Amissah NDC-led government. Will the prophecy yield miracles obliterate Ghana’s foreign and internal debts incurred and continue to be incurred through the incompetence and short-sightedness of President Mahama?

It is not the other way round as the prophet has authoritatively proclaimed. Why would God intentionally let Ghanaians suffer through President Mahama and through same incompetent President, let us see His glory and greatness? Does it make sense? No it doesn’t, but then again, “Mans ways are not God’s ways”.

God would rather let a wicked leader come to punish us if we had been disobedient to Him. And then would let a good leader come to redeem us after we have repented from our sins. God does not work the way as explained by the prophet. His prophecy does not make sense to me. It is suspect through and through, if my opinion was sought.

I hope he is not one of the Baal prophets who always proclaim what the King or the leader wants to hear but not the truth as must be told to the leader. They do so to protect their position and to seek favours in the eyes of the leader.

How will President Mahama and his government run away from the corruption in which they are joyously swimming, although shameful as it is, if God gave them this prophetic assurance as alleged by Prophet Doctor Emmanuel Kofi Enim?

I hope the prophet is not walking with his stomach hence his revelation of a reassuring vision in the face of the economically lethal rot Ghana is going through.

Find below some of his statements which require no further comment by me. The entire reproduction below is from Ghanaweb as attributed to the prophet.

According to him, the current development and economic challenges faced by the country were all plans of God to make his power known to the President and Ghanaians, and that in due time, God shall bring about a great change through the President that would attract the votes of majority of Ghanaians.

“Nothing in this world can change this prophesy. Not even the current hardship and the devilish plots masterminded by the enemies of the President can change it. President Mahama is destined to win 2016 election, and it shall be so,” he said.

Prophet Dr Enim urged the President to repose confidence and hope in God and be rest assured that God has his back and will make him successful.

“No man can change what God has said. The President should remain focused on his priorities and surely he shall come out victorious in the 2016 general election.”

Ghanaians, you are invited to make your own judgment on the prophecy.

Rockson Adofo