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Opinions of Saturday, 7 September 2013

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Is Tsatsu Tsikata Pointing an Accusing Finger at...

? How hypocritical could Tsatsu Tsikata, alias "Quote Quote the Real Quote" be with his accusation of Justice Annin-Yeboah, ruling "consistently" against the NDC? Has this falsely acclaimed legal luminary forgotten how Justice Atuguba, that congenital NDC supporter voted in favour of the respondents throughout every single irregularity raised? Justice Atuguba did not have a shred of decency to behave like a professional Supreme Court judge ready to administer justice but continuously portrayed partisanship during the Court proceedings.

? In the glare of credible evidence against the Electoral Commission rigging Election 2012 in favour of John Mahama, Justice Atuguba, now a discredited Supreme Court judge, voted in each instance to throw out the case, although available evidence confirmed the occurrences of :

? 1. Voters casting their votes without passing through biometric verification

2. Over-voting in some polling stations (ballots in the ballot box outnumbering the registered ballots issued)

3. Electoral Presiding Officers not filling in boxes provided on pink sheets and not signing the sheets as required by law

4. Existence of foreign (ghost) polling stations unknown to all parties but voting took place in those polling booths

5. Duplication and quadruplicating of pink sheets serial numbers

6. Duplication of polling station codes

? If Tsatsu was credible and had not performed abysmally in contrast to his hyped legal prowess, he would have noticed how Atuguba and four others on the panel were those that persistently voted against the petitioners. Of all the listed allegations above that were evidentially proven, Atuguba and his said four other Supreme Court Justices had the shameless audacity to vote against them, although under the beaming lenses of television cameras.

? When the pot calls the kettle you are dark, then we have a huge problem on our hands. I hereby state without fear or favour that Nana Akufo Addo clearly won Election 2012 but he was robbed of the crown by Afari Gyan and his "Ali Baba thieves". The Supreme Court only reaffirmed the daylight robbery inflicted on Nana Akufo Addo and all discerning Ghanaians by the collusive plot executed by Afari Gyan with the NDC government and party.

? As God lives, the truth will out; the perpetrators of that heinous crime that deprived Nana Addo the title of his genuinely won race but incurrence of derogatory insults, SHALL incur the punitive wrath of God, that is certain.

? I shall be back!

? Rockson Adofo