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Opinions of Saturday, 9 November 2013

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Is Woyome Still a Free Man and Bragging? Oh, No!

? I do not blame Mr Alfred Agbesi Woyome, Ghana’s swindler of the Century, for walking the streets of Ghana a free man and bragging on top. On Wednesday, 7 November 2013, he attended Court. On his way out, the case having been adjourned on same silly excuses by the Attorney General’s Department, Woyome had the shameless audacity to issue threats. He addressed some journalists fuming and saying, "I have never been to the US, why do you people keep doing this kind of nonsense. It is foolishness. Let me finish this case. Some people will pack their bags and leave this country" ? ? I hope it will not be the High Court Judge, Justice John Ajet-Nassem, who will pack his bags and do the runner after setting Woyome free and the public turning their anger on him (Justice Ajet-Nassem). Justice John Ajet-Nassem is the trial judge presiding over the case. It is my hope that he will demonstrate his integrity without becoming a second Atuguba. Supreme Court Justice Atuguba delivered the most stupid verdict ever on a landmark case only to hurtle into a temporary self-exile in the United States. He is a disgraced judge who I hope, will find it hard to return to his post as a Supreme Court judge. He had better retire in disgrace to enjoy his share of any money Mahama might have bribed the judges with, if indeed they were bribed as alleged by Free Press online. ? ? High Court Justice Ajet-Nassem should take a warning cue from the shame that has engulfed Atuguba following his deplorable verdict. Every discerning Ghanaian including all responsible academics, especially, those knowledgeable in Constitutional and Electoral laws have condemned the verdict as corrupted. The verdict went against the credible evidence both submitted by the petitioners and gathered during the cross examinations of Johnson Asiedu Nketiah and Dr Kwadwo Afari Gyan. ? ? Mr Alfred Agbesi Woyome colluded with some NDC government functionaries including former Attorney General Betty Mould-Iddrisu, former Deputy Attorney General Barton Odro and Alex Segbefia, former Deputy Chief of Staff, to swindle Ghana of GHC51.2 Million. Woyome has claimed on air, in Court and before The Economic and Organized Crimes Office (EOCO) that he never signed any contract with Ghana government. How could he then successfully avail himself of the money with relative ease alleging that the Kufuor NPP-led government prematurely abrogated a contract he had signed with the government? Subsequently, he sued for a breach of contract, damages and compensation with interests. ? ? It has been proved that he never sourced for any foreign funds to refurbish or construct stadia for CAN 2008 (African Cup of Nations tournament hosted by Ghana in year 2008). He lied to make Ghanaians believe that after successfully securing the money or loan from an Austrian bank, the NPP government abrogated the contract, consequent upon which he sued for that dubious judgment debt payment of GHC51.2 Million. Why then did Betty, Barton and Alex facilitate his tricks to dupe Ghana? Did they take any kickback? I know Betty took a handsome handshake within the region of GHC5 Million. ? There are (bank) paper trails of how Woyome, a non sophisticated thief, disbursed the money. Any intelligent person would have withdrawn the money to pay his accomplices in cash but that was not Woyome. It is because God wanted us to be able to establish the identities of not only his accomplices in crime but also, how he used the money. ? ? Co-incidentally, this man was the major financier of the NDC. Was Woyome not chased out of the Ministry of Finance when he was putting unnecessary pressure on the then Finance and Economic Minister, Dr Kwabena Duffour, to speed up the payment when the Minister had become suspicious and had been exchanging letters with the Attorney General (Betty Mould-Iddrisu) for further clarifications? Was the Minister not keeping the late President Atta Mills in the loop on the correspondences between him and Betty Mould-Iddrisu? I shall not disclose any further details but I assure the public that Woyome, a greedy bastard, only fronted for the NDC party to obtain the money hence, the dillydallying we are seeing in his trial. ? ? No matter what the corrupt NDC government and party do to shield Woyome, the public will force him to refund the money. He had better prepare to name all those involved in that historic gargantuan loot and share. He, Woyome, would rather attempt to run but he will be stopped, arrested and incarcerated. ? ? I pray Justice Ajet-Nassem to find Woyome guilty on his own confession of not having signed any contract with Ghana but dubiously sued for a judgment debt payment. This time around, Ghana will never accept any perverted judgment from any judge on a landmark case as done by Atuguba, now the least respected Supreme Court judge in history. A word to the wise is enough. ? ? Woyome, you "ain’t seen nothing yet". Properly said, "you haven’t seen anything yet". You can run, brag, and insult but you can never hide. You will be smoked out like a rat, if you make any attempt to hide or run away. ? ? Rockson Adofo