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Opinions of Monday, 23 August 2010

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Is Yajzi not a Professional Con Artist?

A lady by name Giselle Yajzi has for quite sometime, until now, become a doubtful character to reckon with in what may be the slimy, political witch hunt arena. She is alleged to have had carnal pleasures with Former President John Agyekum Kufuor. Their copulation, if it did actually take place, is alleged to have culminated in the procreation of twin mixed race sons. This story which has had a strong appeal to the NDC camp is a lopsided version coming from Yajzi herself.

The NDC are manic over Giselle's allegations and are waiting to pounce on Kufuor should she be proven right. She further asserts to the jubilation of the NDC that Kufuor is corrupt beyond human imagination. According to her, she has not only her children who are the spitting image of Kufuor but also, an incriminating documentation to buttress her point on how disgustingly corrupt and a liar he is. Much as I detest corrupt politicians whom I perceive to be the cause of the downfall of Africa, I will as much hate those who viciously slur them for their own selfish ends.

Let me cite two instances where ardent con persons who are not different from Yajzi had tried their luck but unsuccessfully. There was one Ackah Blay Miezah from Ghana who rose up in the early 1970s bragging about some mystery "Oman Ghana Trust Fund" set up by Dr. Kwame Nkrumah for the development of the Western Region. He claimed to be the main and only trustee of this fund which was supposed to be rotting away in a Swiss Bank. Interestingly, he was able to sweet-talk the late General I.K. Acheampong's SMC I Military Government into giving him diplomatic passport with the aim of aiding him to withdraw the money from Switzerland. This passport was to grant him immunity against any possible arrest while in Switzerland on mission to withdraw the money. Why did he suspect a possible arrest and hence taking the necessary precaution if he genuinely was the trustee and the money honestly existed untainted? Acheampong did not only give him a diplomatic passport but also some well placed people to accompany him to Switzerland to withdraw the money.

Ackah Blay-Miezah could not withdraw any money and incessantly came up with flimsy excuses to explain away his difficulty of accessing the money. In a nutshell, it turned out to be a scam even though he sounded very convincing initially. I had the opportunity to meet and shook hands with this man in 1979 at his People's Vanguard party head office in North Labone.

One other woman, Diane Holliday, of Little Saxham in Suffolk in England, also arose shortly after the accidental death of Dodi Fayed and Princess Diana on 31st August 1997. She went to Dodi's father, Mohammed Al Fayed, saying that she had a daughter with Dodi and that the little girl had been given up for adoption in the United States shortly after being born on 20th November 1996. She had done this in order to con Mohammed Al Fayed, the then owner of the Harrods store, out of money. She had gone about it in a very clever way by even soliciting the services of a lawyer to put her case across. In the end, she was discovered to be a professional con woman. "Diane Holliday said she wanted the truth, not money. But the truth is that in a series of confidence tricks she obtained cash from feuding tycoons by telling both of them exactly what they wanted to hear". "The Observer had first encountered Ms Holliday four years ago when, using her married name Hernandez, she was running a company called Global Projects which offered "unlimited funds" to borrowers. Those who responded to the advertisement were asked to pay advance fees. No loans were forthcoming. The advert was pulled after the Observer had received warnings from police sources that it was a con-trick. Mrs Hernandez did not object to our refusing any more advertisements. But she didn't pay her bill. Global still owes £650".

Now, we can see how crafty con persons are, and how far they can go in their extortion quest. Is Yajzi any different from the above mentioned persons judging from her erratic actions? If she has any personal libidinal score to settle with her supposed boyfriend, Mr. Kufuor, what has that got to do with Ghana considering the accompanying hullabaloos?

The NDC are to note that if ever the woman came to Ghana, the best she can do is to give a mammoth press conference, tell her story, and then return to America still a miserable broken-hearted person. It should be noted that Mr. Kufuor is not on trial and so he is not under any obligation to challenge the wildest allegations by Giselle. It will be his prerogative to sue her for libel where he feels wrongly accused. But will the woman still stay in Ghana to see any such civil suit through? In the event of the woman just coming to Ghana, make her unsubstantiated allegations, then quickly gets back on board the next plane to America, how do we unearth the truth? To better get to the bottom of the truth, she should be ready to come to sue Kufuor for either failing to care for the supposed "half-caste" twins or for robbing Ghana through corruption - the purchase of "Hotel Kufuor" Anything short of this with the additional failure to produce the children will not let her sound convincing enough despite the wide publicity and support so far accorded her by the NDC.

To those with midget-size brains floating in their oceanic bulky skulls I say, Yajzi is nobody other than a professional con artist on track to play on the intelligence of Ghanaians. As long as she has a following ready to lay a red carpet all the way from the Kotoka Airport to the gates of the Castle, the seat of government, for her, she will continually relish in the mind game.

"Lies were the truth and the truth was a lie" in all the cited cases of these mentioned con persons. Trust a con person and you will end up conned. Who tells you polygyny is interdicted in the Ghanaian traditional marriages that Mr. Kufuor is to be lambasted for eating the "bearded meat" of Giselle?

Rockson Adofo