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Opinions of Tuesday, 24 April 2007

Columnist: Bolus, Mercy Adede

Is our Police force conspicuous at night in their uniforms?

History tells us that, the Ghana Police phase out Black uniforms because of the climatic conditions as it generated sweat and general discomfort for men and women of the Ghana Police Service.
The blue-black “operational” uniforms introduced are better and recognisable. On the other hand , would it be a good idea to review the police uniforms again for the near future to perhaps pale -blue shirt and blue black trousers? Such colours would brighten the police image and profile instead of the dull blue-black colour. The general public could contribute towards choicing of the right colour our police force.
My greatest concern is that, how could the general public differentiate the police force on a night patrolling, given that the nights in Ghana are pitch dark. I wonder if any thoughts have been considered as to perhaps having a light hi-visibility jackets as part of the nigth patrol uniform?. This may help reduce the number of accidents as people could easily see the police and avoid being run over at night.
These hi-visibility jackets are commonly used in the U.K and by the police but in Ghana it may be possible to restrict its usage to the police force only.
This is just a thought, worth exploring and discussed with the wider Ghanaian community.
On a second note, our police force would benefit having a kitchenette provided by the state to all the police stations. What is needed are the following a little fridge, microwave for warming up foods, mini TV and a rest room with decent toilet facilities with hand washing basins plus shower rooms. . This would help improve the moral, zeal and image of our police force.
It is rather depressing to see some of police servicemen queuing with the general public for their lunch. We need to hold our police force in high esteem as these little comforts would enhance their motivation and enthusiasm for the security of Ghana.
These are all called the hygiene factors by motivational gurus. According to Herztberg also a motivational guru, these little comforts encourages people to work more efficiently and effectively.
Would it be fair to say that, many Ghanaians are appalled to see our police force joining “tro tro” queues instead of using a police transport for work and other duties. Seeing a police srtruggling at tro tro station does not reflect on our security status. When it comes to the police force there need to be a clear distinction them and us. This would give the police force the creditlity they badly need.
On road safety issues concerning the police, I would like to raise concerns that there are no light reflectors around all sharp curves on our roads. It is fine if one is familiar to a particular road but let consider those do not. For example dips in the middle of the road, which caused a significant accident on the Accra -Dawhenya road in 2005. These “death trap spots” desperately need light reflectors or hi-visibility to avoid alert motorists hence avoiding potential accidents from occuring.
Whilst on police issues, I think this is the time to mention about introducing traffic lights at all busy roundabout. For example Kwame Nkrumah circle, intersections etc. In Britain we have traffic lights all major intersections for example, Tolworth intersection, all major motor way junctions.
Ghana may need to emulate the best practice in the developed countries instead of reinventing new wheels.
Let us be as assertive and smart like the Chinese and other developing copuntries and move with the times pretty quickly otherwise we would be stuck in the mud.

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