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Opinions of Monday, 21 November 2016

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Is swindler Alfred Agbesi Woyome still bragging?

Alfred Agbesi Woyome Alfred Agbesi Woyome

By Rockson Adofo

It is really disgusting to see this “big big thief man” (as my Indian work colleague Bob Singh normally calls those he perceives to be thieves), Alfred Agbesi Woyome, still bragging.

He has been saying with shameless audacity that he will soon be suing many Ghanaians for far bigger money than the GHC51.2 million he is alleged to have cunningly connived with some NDC people to steal from Ghana.

It is only in Ghana and under the government of President Mahama that someone can dupe Ghana out of such a huge sum of money, refuse to pay it back despite the Supreme Court ordering him contrarily, and still threaten to sue many more people for more money.

In any civilized Western country, Woyome would long have been thrown into prison convicted on his own words of, “I did not sign any contract with the Ghana government and I have never worked for Ghana government”.

How then could he obtain the money, submitting documents of claim to have worked for Ghana government? Is his claim on Peace FM radio as stated above not in contradiction to his written statements that enabled him to successfully claim the GHC51.2 million from the Ghana government?

President Mahama, the Attorney General and some members of his government are encouraging Woyome not to refund the money to the State or else, they should have employed all means possible to retrieve the money by now.

I know that Woyome, a criminal and an established thief as he is, fronted for NDC to obtain the money. Woyome getting the money was a perfectly executed “create, loot and share” plot by the NDC party and government.

Why would Mrs Betty Mould-Iddrisu, go against a court order to do a deal with Woyome to obtain that huge money? I am aware that Betty Mould-Iddrisu took a share of GHC5 million.

Instead of prosecuting Woyome for crime against the State and the people of Ghana, the Attorney General dragged her feet and failed to press strong case against Woyome hence Woyome being acquitted and discharged by High Court Justice Ajet Nassim. Was Ajet not the judge uncovered by Anas Aremeyaw Anas to have accepted bribes of all sorts?

Woyome, no matter what you do, you will pay that money back with interest before you die.

Will you sue me again? I pray you do. A time is coming that you will not only go on your knees to plead to pay back the money but also, you will see your arse in prison.

There is time for everything. It is now the time for you to brag. Tomorrow, it will be the time for you to wail.

An NDC financier my foot, Alfred Agbesi Woyome. You are a big time thief!

I entreat all discerning Ghanaians to vote for Nana Akufo Addo and NPP if and only if, you want Ghana to get the money back from that award-winning Ghanaian “thief man” of the 21st Century – Alfred Agbesi Woyome.