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Opinions of Monday, 27 June 2016

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Is sycophant Kofi Adams so ignorant about Mahama’s car bribery?

Kofi Adams Kofi Adams

When I hear Kofi Adams, the National Organiser of NDC speak in the media, it really makes me feel like puking. He does not only talk like somebody who has unrestrained authority but also, spews absolute crap.

In his little-mind’s mindedness, he takes most Ghanaians for fools except those who are in the same crappy camp with him. I find him a complete charlatan who will never stop at anything to deceive Ghanaians in his selfish attempts and aspirations to attain illegal wealth and greatness in Ghana.

President Mahama is established to have dubiously secretly taken an American Ford Expedition car worth about US$100,000 from a Burkinabe contractor as gift.

When another Ghanaian investigative journalist, Mr Azure, emulating Anas Aremeyaw Anas, divulged to the public his shocking discovery of President Mahama accepting a car gift under questionable circumstances, Kofi Adams jumped to the defence of President Mahama.

Before President Mahama could come out publicly with any statement regarding the acceptance of the car, Kofi Adams and his bunch of NDC sycophants hastily switched into damage control mode: Some were denying that the President had ever taken the alleged gift. Others were saying although he had taken the car, it was not a bribe but a gift that he in turn donated to the Presidential pool at the Osu Castle or Flagstaff (Jubilee) House.

However, Kofi Adams as ignorant and an educated-illiterate as he is, tried to justify the President’s acceptance of the car even if the majority of Ghanaians saw that as bribery. In his usual frivolous attempts to exonerate the President from any blame or crime, he tried to justify the car gift in terms of a similar car gift to former President Kufuor.

He asked, during what I conclude as his absurd submission, that what is the difference between President Mahama accepting a car gift from a Burkinabe and former President Kufuor accepting a similar car gift from the late assassinated Libyan President Colonel Muamar Gaddafi?

To him, what is good for the goose is also good for the gander. If President Kufuor accepted a car gift from President Gaddafi and it was not considered as bribery, so should President Mahama’s acceptance of car gift from the Burkinabe be treated, he says.

In order not to allow cunning Kofi Adams, a party to the “create, loot and share” team governing the nation, to throw dust into innocent Ghanaians’ eyes with impunity, I have a few questions to ask him.

1. Did former President Kufuor notify his government, or some members of his then NPP government and, or the public, before, during and after accepting the car as gift from President Gaddafi?

2. Was the car gift from President Gaddafi to President Kufuor, for his private use as a person, or it was for helping to protect him as the President of Ghana whose life could be at risk at any time because of his elevated position as the Head of Ghana?

3. Was the car not a bullet-proof car that was immediately donated to the presidential pool at the Osu Castle to serve the very purpose for which it was offered?

4. Did Ghana government not officially acknowledge the receipt of the car and subsequently expressed their gratitude to President Gaddafi and the people of Libya?

5. Could such a bullet-proof car gift, publicly offered to a sitting President of Ghana to guarantee his safety and security by a sitting President of Libya, be a bribe?

6. In case the car gift to the nation via President Kufuor was a bribe, how do we justify such an allegation or accusation?

7. Did President Kufuor offer any contract to President Gaddafi before, during or after the car gift to him?

8. Contrarily, was the public aware of any such presumed car gift to then Vice President Mahama in 2012 before being recently informed by Mr Azure? If the people knew, why are they expressing shock at such an offer following its exposure by Mr Azure?

9. Why were the same members of the President’s NDC government and party, especially his presidential staffers, expressing various contradictory statements about the car gift? Some were saying the President had not accepted any car gift from any Burkinabe hence the allegation was the figment of NPP’s warped imagination.

Others were saying the car gift was not a bribe but a gift to the State. Again, others were saying as soon as the President received it, he donated it to the presidential pool although without informing the public.

10. What did President Mahama do for the Burkinabe to merit the car offer from him?

11. Had he offered him a contract to do any work for him as a person, or for Ghana, before, during and after the contract?

12. Why should the Burkinabe offer the President any thank you car gift? What did President Mahama do differently special to warrant such an underhand car gift from the Burkinabe?

To the ignorant Kofi Adams, he had better go to learn about Ghana Criminal Code 1960 (Act 29) Sections 239 to 247 on bribery, corruption and extortion.

To conclude, Kofi Adams is either ignorant of the circumstances leading to committing acts of bribery, or he is deliberately playing on the intelligence of Ghanaians, having always taken us for fools. President Mahama has committed an act of bribery by secretly accepting the car gift; failing to pay the proper custom duties and lying about the usage of the car.

Why should Kofi Adams be comparing apples to oranges?

Rockson Adofo