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Opinions of Thursday, 14 July 2005

Columnist: GNA

Is the Church Blindfolded or Groping in the Dark?

Recently, even the church was not spared the acrimonious debate on the propriety of ordination of gay bishops, all on the altar of the vexed debate on the absolutes of sexual preferences, even when such violate God's normative order.

The focus is no doubt about the context of civilisation, and man's ultimate freedom to make the choice that seems pleasing to him, a choice, which ultimately results in his ruin.

It is worth noting that, the issue is not yet about turning the back on mankind's collective gains, particularly the vast advances that have been recorded in science and technology, but also to draw attention to salient questions that remain unanswered as mankind continues his roller-coaster ride to discover the ultimate truth since from all indications, man is not ready to give up in the quest.

The issue, therefore, simmers to the fact that there must be a place for God in this direction. Man, even with the benefit of existing knowledge is unlikely to resolve the paradox of civilisation. The easiest course would be to return to the path of the Divine Will.

Humanity must start the search from the level of the individual by saying no to so-called civilised ideals, which turn out Frankenstein. The damage will begin to reduce, if civilisation is tailored to mirror God's desires and individuals at the very minimal level re-orientate their minds towards fulfilling those excellent honourable desires.

Probably the ongoing "World Expo" in Japan being held under the theme, "Nature's Wisdom" and primarily aimed at incorporating current scientific and technological advancement with nature to stem the abuse of the environment, might be the first attempt to put reins on a civilisation gone bizarre.