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Opinions of Thursday, 6 September 2012

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Is the Electoral Commissioner, Dr. Afari-Gyan, out of his Senses?

Ghana is at crossroads. The current revelations of how the NDC plan to visit mayhem on Ghanaians during the elections is quite frightening. Do we as brave citizens sit on the fence while complete bigots take us captives? My answer is a BIG NO!

From all empirical observations, the idea-deficient, non-performing and visionless NDC party and government are resolutely determined to win the upcoming elections by hook or crook. They have put in place obnoxious structures; hatched devious lethal plans to assist them retain power. I wonder how in this day and age some crooks still believe violence holds the key to success.  They are of the conviction that they can always only obtain their selfishly insatiable greediness through subjecting people to unprecedented degree of coercion.

Dr. Afari-Gyan's desperate and irrational insistence to create forty-five additional constituencies is pure bigotry and conspiratorial thinking. In his warped thinking, he believes three months is more than enough for him to create the constituencies, get the necessary Constitutional Instrument approved by parliament and find candidates to contest the seats. I am convinced the septuagenarian Afari-Gyan has had his palms greased with Dollar or Cedi bills by the mediocre NDC government and party. That can be the only explanation one can guess for his horrible behaviour.

I know of some NDC people who started underground campaign to win some of the then intended new constituencies many months ago, even before the rumours about their creation became public knowledge. How was that possible? All people who were miles ahead of their opponents to secure the parliamentary seats of the new constituencies are NDC members. How again is that possible, horrible Afrai-Gyan?

After all his ignoble actions, he has the shameless audacity to come out beating his chest like a chimp that has just chased out his rivals from his delineated territory, saying, I will create the constituencies regardless. He has the constitutional rights so he will exercise them without any consideration for the repercussions of his vile actions. I am sure nobody is baying for a pound of flesh or a pint of blood of this unfazed creepy sort of person.

The timing of the creation of the constituencies and the modality used are not right. They are very questionable. All the intended new constituencies will be created based on Afari-Gyan's understanding of things but not in the greater interest of Ghanaians. I cannot just fathom his reasons for intransigently seeking to facilitate the NDC's chances of winning the impending elections as obnoxiously corrupt as the NDC party and government are.

I will come back to discuss this issue further. I am now dozing off sitting behind my computer. I will be on Afari-Gyan's case.

Rockson Adofo