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Opinions of Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Columnist: Mensah, Nana Akyea

Is the NPP An Integral Part Of Ghana's Drug Problems?

Feature Article, by Nana Akyea Mensah, The Odikro.

I am very surprised that the NPP seems to be the only political party
unilaterally feeling the heat of a declaration that was essentially meant
for all the political parties in Ghana. All the other political parties have
welcomed the declaration by the NACOB boss concerning the influence of drug
barons on some politicians, and the threat that this represents to our
body-politic. Why this is clearly amazing is the fact that the Executive
Secretary of NACOB did not even single out a political party in Ghana. It
was a general appeal or warning to all political parties.

Let us have another look of what Mr. Akrasi Sarpong said:

“if any politician dares us (NACOB) and uses narcotics money for politics,
that person will be sorry. Whether you are an NDC or NPP or CPP or whatever,
you will be sorry!”

He did not mention any goat. All he said was that “his outfit has
information that some politicians are heavily funded by drug barons adding
that NACOB will deal with any politician caught to be using proceeds from
the illicit trade notwithstanding the party that the person belongs to.”

Is the NPP a part of the solution or a part of the problem? That is the

One of the latest attempts to deal with the issue comes from Dr. Arthur
Kennedy, whose complaint is that "*On the face of it, there is nothing wrong
with the NACOB’S boss sounding the alarm on drugs." Dr. Kennedy then
postulates: "*However, a careful reading of Mr. Sarpong’s comments, together
with comments by other government officials show clearly that Mr. Sarpong’s
comments may be part of a public relations campaign to link the NPP to drugs
and thus dent its reputation and support." See: "The use of narcotic money
in our

What we would like Dr. Kennedy to throw more light on is a statement
attributed to him during his ill-fated bid for the flag-bearership of the
NPP. Some of us would like to know if he did or he did not caution “NPP
delegates who would be voting to elect their presidential candidate to be
mindful of some of the aspirants who have been going round splashing money
on them because the source of the money could be a questionable one.”?

I read the story from the following link, never saw the original news story,
that is why I am asking! I got the story from here: “Tell them that they may
by FOKAA (FRIENDS OF KENNETH ASAFO-ADJEI), Feature Article | Sun, 21 Dec

“If we do not take our time, one cocaine dealer would just take his money
and buy this country and put our lives in danger.” – Dr. Arthur Kennedy. “Dr
Kwabena Arthur Kennedy also cautioned NPP delegates who would be voting to
elect their presidential candidate to be mindful of some of the aspirants
who have been going round splashing money on them because the source of the
money could be a questionable one.”

Also, whilst at it, is it possible for Dr. Kennedy to kindly elaborate on
how he managed to examine Akufo-Addo with your bare eyes and be able to
claim, as a medical officer, that "Akufo Addo does not a drop of cocaine in
his blood"? I read the following on Ghanaweb General News of Sunday, 28
November 2010, "Akufo-Addo Doesn’t Have A Drop Of Blood Tainted With Cocaine
"A certified medical practitioner" the story began, "says he can officially
state that Nana Addo Danquah Akufo Addo, flag bearer of the opposition NPP
does not even have a minute drop of cocaine in his blood. He claims as a
medical doctor who has handled several cases of drug abuse and addicts, he
can attest to the fact that Nana Addo is not a drug addict." Just by looking
at him, "Dr. Kobina Arthur Kennedy says he is certain that Nana Addo has
never been under the influence of drugs"!Apart from examining him with his
eyes, the only other "evidence" Dr. Kennedy provided was this: "Speaking on
CitiFM’s Big Issues programme, the physician revealed that Nana Addo told
him on countless occasions in their private conversations that he has never
tasted or sniffed cocaine before."
I want Arthur Kennedy to answer the following:
"Is Arthur Kennedy telling us he has a medical laboratory attached to his
eye sights?

Did he ask Mr. Akufo-Addo to even open his mouth for him to examine his
teeth? You don't need to be a medical doctor to know that one of the
symptoms of the premature loss of teeth is as a result of a long period of
drug abuse.

Dr. Kennedy cannot tell an HIV infected blood from one filled to the brim
with Plasmodium falciparum! What do we say when such a doctor wants to give
a clean bill of health to a suspect with a toothless mouth and no hair on
his head? We also know that in addition to the premature loss of teeth, the
other visible symptom is the loss of hair?"

Kofi Wayo
of the ‘cocaine politicians’ are within the NPP.

“A lot of these cocaine guys are in NPP, yes. I know the big men in NPP all
knew about (jailed former NPP MP) Eric Amoateng. Now it comes out that Yaw
Anfo-Kwakye, Akufo-Addo’s Chief of Staff (sic) was arrested before for
drugs. So why does he still keep him? These are the questions that show we
have no morals and ethics. And we suffer for it. Go to London or Paris and
see how they search you because you are from Ghana."

The NPP has serious questions to answer Ghanaians about this, and I find the
excuses they have been making extremely irresponsible!

Thank you for your attention.

*Forward Ever! Backwards Never!!!*


*Nana Akyea Mensah, The Odikro*

*E-Mail: [email protected]*


*Please Note:* *There are hypertext links to some of the news stories
referred to in the article, which may not appear in this publication,
interested readers who want to know more are invited to come to my