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Opinions of Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Is the Supreme Court Losing Her Supremacy ...

....Through Election 2012?

The recent “SOS” (Save Our Soul) threatening cry by a member of the 9-member Supreme Court Judges, Justice Atuguba, seeking to oblige Ghana media and their affiliate radio phone-in serial callers to be truthful and decorous is only a scratch on the surface. His desperate attempt to whip the media into line is an indication that the Supreme Court is losing grip on her supremacy at unprecedented crescendo. “Na who caus’am Oga?”

As one reaps the fruits of what they sow, so will the Supreme Court by their commissions and omissions if partially executed, be driven on to the slippery slopes of public bashing. The folly and self-delusion of any member of the nine-member panel judges sitting on Election 2012 case can cause the derailment of the Supreme Court from the tracks of her reputable supremacy.

Who among the judges is placing the Supreme Court in an awkward position so as to compel the public to lose trust in the judges? Whoever the cap fits let him/her wear it.

A judge among them, inherently biased and partisan, flouts the ethics of the law profession. In disregarding the fact that he is on the bench, he does not hide his preposterousness about the case before them. Until he behaves responsibly, all his attempts to gag anyone will not stick, God willing.

By the way, do all powers reside in the Presiding judge? No-one is asking the other judges to counteract his obvious biases in openly in the courtroom, that is, in public but at least, to tell him off or suggest to him to be mindful of his actions which are being telecast live, when they take recess. If he is the “One-man-Thousand”, Mr Osagyefo Kasapreko, then what are the other judges doing sitting on the bench? Are they in the courtroom or on the bench as mere observers? Oh, come on! Do not behave like the three supposedly wise monkeys who say, "See no evil. Speak no evil. Hear no evil"

I can foretell the Supreme Court judges sitting on Election 2012 case are by the inimical actions of the one bad nut among them, speeding up the loss of the Court’s reputable supremacy. We as a nation need to watch against that as once their reputation is eroded, they may never regain it no matter how hard they try later on.

I am requesting him to keep his biases to himself if he could. As long as he remains openly partisan sitting on the bench, trying to gag the other party and her supporters will not work. His arms are too short to reach everywhere in his ridiculous attempts to whip all his intended targets into line, he MUST be told this.

In God we trust.

Rockson Adofo