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Opinions of Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Is this an Act of Ignorance or Pure Insanity – Alhaji Batrure?

Any discerning Ghanaian does not really wonder that Alhaji Bature of the Al-Hajj Newspapers, a seemingly malicious individual exuding tribal hatred, writes and behaves the way he does. His publications are almost always overflowing with lies, expressions of hatred, and defamatory statements, about certain individuals who are naturally, and indeed, superior to him. One can conclude from the way he unreservedly kowtows to the NDC, always defending their policies regardless of how obnoxious such policies may appear in the public view, and his eagerness to recklessly castigate their political opponents, especially the NPP, that he is a pure stomach politician/journalist.

From the underlying link, he is strongly admonishing the NDC to never bow to the public outcry for a new voters register to be in place for the 2016 general election. He strongly advises the NDC and President Mahama's government to do all they could to resist the NPP from piling up unnecessary pressure on the Chair of the Electoral Commission to organise a new and credible voters register for Election 2016.

One will find him making the following statement, "I tell you this call for new voters register is just a ploy by the NPP. In their stronghold of Ashanti Region, they will stop people from the Zongos where the NDC gets huge votes in elections from registering when a new album is opened. People of northern extraction and with tribal marks will not be allowed to register; the NPP will claim such persons are from Burkina Faso and Mali"

He should note that the new register is not called for only in the Ashanti region but throughout the entire country. People want to ensure that foreigners who are not naturalised or registered as Ghanaians are not allowed to register to exercise any franchise in Ghana. This has nothing to do with one's ethnic extraction or tribal facial/body marks as it is the defence, but completely erroneous, if not deceptive, view of, Alhaji Bature.

He must note that it is not only NPP, but also, all discerning Ghanaians who do reason like wise human beings but not ignorant beasts living in the wild, are calling for a credible voters register, but not the currently publicly perceived bloated one in place.

I know he stands to benefit from the ongoing rot in the country hence advocating for the bloated register to continue to stay for the vote- rigging and the overwhelming corruption under the watch of the metaphorically self-styled "dead goat" President, to persist to the detriment of mother Ghana and her children.

His views as often made public can only be expressed by either a massively ignorant person, or a highly insane individual walking with his stomach. Whichever of the two descriptions that fits him, he must go for it. This is my personal opinion about his wicked views often published in his lowly substandard and less patronised newspaper.

The wish of the majority will finally prevail despite the machinations by selfish individuals like Bature. THERE SHALL BE A NEW VOTERS REGISTER, COME WHAT MAY!

Rockson Adofo