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Opinions of Friday, 18 June 2021

Columnist: Nii Otu Quaye

Isn’t gratitude due for the victory over the pandemic?

According to the author, government should encourage the nation to thank God According to the author, government should encourage the nation to thank God

Just over a year ago, this universe, which we all call our World, was hit by a menace surpassing any that our generation and its immediate predecessor ever experienced.

The magnitude of the pandemic, whether calculated by its toll on human life or by how long it would continue to terrorize the World, was worrisomely uncertain.

Accordingly, by the pessimism brought on every human inhabitant of the universe- spiritualists, non-spiritualists, atheists, scientists, and non-scientists—we all got relegated to the state of despondency, resonating the familiar adage in hopeless situations: “there are no atheists in anthills.”

Specifically, everyone was so frightened by the threat of our total annihilation that the whole World, regardless of spiritual or occupational differences, joined hands, like the proverbial “atheists in ant holes”, solemnly pleading with the Almighty to avert the onslaught and eradicate the menace from our lives.

Prayer vigils were indiscriminately held all over the World pleading in unison for Divine mercy and compassion. Indeed, in Ghana, President Nana Akuffo Addo replicated the global initiative by designating a day for National Prayer, and inviting all religious leaders to a public forum at which they prayed together, and in turn, for aversion of the menace.

By what strikes as prayers patiently answered, rather than restoration of normalcy by coincidence or happenstance, the menace has subsided to the extent that the lockdown regimen established to combat the havoc has been lifted in several parts of the World, and is promisingly being lifted in some of the few places yet to return to normalcy.

One lesson abidingly reflected in all religions is the need to inculcate and practice the culture of thankfulness. In the Christian Tradition, this culture is resonated in the story about the 10 lepers that were cleared of their leprosy with only one returning to thank the Lord for that immaculate healing.

The scriptures’ further report of the Almighty’s passionate inquiry about the ungrateful nine, eloquently reflecting His appreciation of gratitude, which I believe is woefully warranted in this instance, especially where gratefulness is rewarded with an additional blessing, as done in the scriptures— “your faith has made you whole,” to the grateful one, but not extended to the ungrateful nine:

I have no doubt that President Nana Akuffo would, like the rest of the World, launch some sort of thanksgiving sessions or prayer vigils to thank the Almighty for subsiding the menace and plead not only for the total eradication of its remnants, but also for the less fortunate brothers and sisters that perished to be blessed with Eternal Peaceful Rest.

Wherefore, it is hereby humbly suggested that the Government, if it has not yet decided to convene a thanksgiving prayer session, consider launching one soon.

It is further suggested that the Government attune the Nation to a Thanksgiving mode, encouraging the public to thank the Almighty for heeding to our prayer.