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Opinions of Sunday, 21 September 2008

Columnist: Biney, George

It Is Time For The Green Revolution!!

I believe in culture. It is culture that gives order, development and peace to society. I respect the culture of the British, American, Chinese, Indian, Japanese, French and all other developed cultures. It is a revolution that has allowed the various developed cultures above to evolve, bringing order and economic progress to those societies. It is also interesting that prior to the development of the above nations, there was cultural interference which manifested in unprogressive socio-economic disorder.

The unprogressive socio-economic disorder in Ghana and Africa has no different causes but the same cultural interference. The Cultural Revolution: Green Revolution is the natural antidote to the current socio-economic frustration and hardship. All well thinking and cultured Ghanaians and Africans know our society is very sick. The causes of this sickness are also known. The cure, or rather the healing balm is also known. What is amiss is the application of the Green Equation– the Green Revolution period! Even Busumuru Kofi Annan has called for this Green Revolution!

It is the humiliating, frustration and socio-economic hardships of our current circumstance that absolutely necessitates the Green Revolution! The brain box of our national team is shamefully foreign. A large portion of our food is pathetically imported. An unacceptable high percentage of our building materials come from beyond our shores. Our clothing is not only largely foreign but pitifully second hand in chunks. Our ports and borders are not secured without outside help. Government Ministries are flooding with staff from donor countries. We formally wear African attire once a week!

Our healthcare is supported from the cramps of George Bush. Our presidential palace is a handout from India. Our educational system doesn’t produce self-knowledgeable products. We do not manage our water. We grow cocoa for the world but have no control over its price. We sell strategic national assets to balance our budget. We do not construct our major roads. All our means of transport are foreign made. Every single toilet bowl is imported. Our timber, gold and other minerals are sold out raw because we can not attempt to process them. Our traffic is choking us. Our green forest is vastly depleted.

With the entire above, why should we not have the Green Revolution, the Green Revolution that will turn the entire negative, but sadly, the true statements above into positive statements? We should have the Cultural Revolution because I believe in our culture of Self Reliance and Pride, Pan – Africanism and the Green Flag of Africa! I believe there is nothing wrong with Ghana and Africa that can not be healed with all that is right with Ghana and Africa. I believe in what we proudly achieved as a nation under the first Republic. I believe the Green Revolution is absolutely the line we must toe because there are cultured brands in our nation which guarantees its success.

I believe in the mothers of Gambaga and Kade, Keta and Bawku, Wioso and Wa, Prampram and Ntonso, Kintampo and Elmina who in spite of great difficulties, do not roam the world begging for alms to feed their children. I believe in the Asante Monarchy who in the spirit of Self Reliance and Pride converts the Palace built by the British into a museum. I believe in the Banda brand that as a lone voice rises to the defense of Ghanaian clients of British Airways for a right luggage allowance. I believe in the cultured brand of Prof. Akosa, who with the common sense of a healthy nation against profits of a few individuals, successfully challenges tobacco adverts on public buildings. I believe in Kwaw Ansah who has spent a lifetime projecting the African values. I believe in the cultured twelve year old Modecai whose common sense approach to life condemns consumption of white sugar and also represents hope for the future. I believe in giving energy to Dan Lartey’s call for domestication. I believe in presidential support for Pan African programs like Panafest. I also believe in Apostle Kwadwo Safo!!

Finally, I have absolute faith in the land that God has blessed to lead the world from its present chaos and has therefore placed it in the centre of the earth! Ghana must, will and shall rise with the African continent! The NPP, as blue as it is, has no moral authority to initiate the Green Revolution. NDC, through its parent, PNDC, has had its opportunity of a revolution. It is the singular moral prerogative of the CPP, with its record of the First Republic to initiate the Green Revolution! And so let the CPP, Ghana and Africa once again fly the Green Bandana as we prepare for our Cultural Revolution, the INEVITABLE GREEN REVOLUTION!! NKUNIM WO HO MAYEN!!

george biney