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Opinions of Sunday, 7 November 2010

Columnist: Acheamfour, Baah

Jake Has No Time For Nonesense

The group who inaptly named themselves as the National Democratic Congress (NDC) has since their birth never taken responsibility of the things they do or whenever they are wrong, but rather apportion blames on others, most especially on the New Patriotic Party (NPP).

I remember Prof. Bernard Far a famous writer once said “A man who does not take responsibilities of what he does will never progress in life. It not surprising that the NDC from the time when the leadership of this country was handed over to them has not made any advancement in respect of governance but rather, keeps blaming NPP of the things they the NDC could not do.

The President Prof. Evans Atta Mills(a.k.a Prof. Do Little) when swearing in as the President made it categorical that he and his Vice John Dramani Mahama (The only Vice President with three (3) wives and Fifteen (15) children) would protect every Ghanaian and that armed robbery would be a thing of the past.

Now what do we see? Armed robbery has been the issue of the day and to make it worse is its constancy. In recent days they go to the extent of rapping and commanding others to rape their victims.

A typical example is Amina’s story about how armed robbers on one of the Ghana’s highways forced male passengers to have un-consented sex with female passengers. A terrible story that each one condemns and would want the police to investigate and find the perpetrators of the crime, the NDC as they are known to be has shifted the issue from its criminality to political.

Instead of the so called humble President, Prof. Atta and his NDC party to come out and affirm how they have disappointed Ghanaians as far as security is concern, they have rather delegated Alottey Jacobs to come out with his usual lies.

Alottey Jacobs, the man whose lies have earned him a Board Member at the Electricity Company of Ghana woke up one day from his hanged over sleep to blame Jake Obetsebi-Lamptey of being the one who manufactured the Mass Rape story. Since NDC believes in lies and manufacturers of false stories they take NPP to be the same. I want to assure Alottey Jacobs and his likes and state emphatically that the National Chairman of NPP, Jake Obetsebi- Lamptey has no time for such Nonsense. The only thing he thinks of and would wish to manufacture is how to rescue Ghana from NDC poor governance which has bear fruit to suffering, privation and hardship on Ghanaians.

Therefore, the likes of Alottey Jacobs and his uncultured Balderdash talk does not concern him at all.

The question that people keep asking is; are we safe as Ghanaians?

I hold my fire for now.

BY: BAAH ACHEAMFOUR. 0241991280.