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Opinions of Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Columnist: Biakoye, Nana

Jake: Where Is The Stadium Disaster Fund?

My people, do you remember that after John Agyekum Kofi Diawuo “50 Cents” Kufuor and co killed over 126 innocent Ghanaians and gave their blood to Eyadema to use for ritual purposes, a Stadium Disaster Fund was set up?

Do you remember?

And do you remember that it was certificateless mulatto Jake Otanka Obetsebi Lamptey who was in-charge of the Fund?
Those days, certificateless mulatto Jake was the Chief of Staff and Minister for Presidential Affairs.
I also remember how many corporate bodies and individuals donated huge sums of monies to Jake.
Those days, not a single day passed by without a picture of certificateless mulatto Jake in the dailies showing him collecting donations from, banks, insurance companies, etc.
Some gave in dollars and some gave in cedis.
I ask; where is the money?
I ask again; where is the money?
To date, certificateless mulatto Jake has not accounted for a single pesewa that went his way.
A simple arithmetic I did in those days gave me a rough figure of close to 10 billion cedis.
Yes, my mathematics gave me a figure close to 10 billion old cedis.
And as you know, some of the donations were not made public. What it means is that, certificateless mulatto Jake pocketed more than 10 billion cedis.
To date, certificateless mulatto Jake has not accounted to the people of Ghana.
I remember Kofi Wayo saying that he used to visit certificateless mulatto Jake in those days and Jake used to brag about the money that he had made from the Fund.
According to Kofi Wayo, anytime he got to certificateless mulatto Jake’s place around 5 p.m. the man would have finished downing one bottle of Vodka and will be referring to “50 Cents’ Kufuor as an “Ashanti bastard” and bragging about his newfound wealth via the Fund.
Indeed, it was the reference to Kufuor as an “Ashanti bastard” that led to certificateless mulatto Jake being replaced as Chief of Staff by the Ashanti ugly Kwadwo “Odisika” Mpiani, who is most likely to spend time in some jail for stealing and looting Ghana’s money.
And it is this certificateless mulatto Jake Otanaka Obetsebi Lamptey; who has stolen monies belonging to poor widows and orphans, who is the Chairman of the narcotics peddlers party? Kai!!!
And they think that Jake will lead them to the promise land? Ha! Ha! Ha!
Certificateless mulatto Jake Obetsebi Lamptey to lead Akufo-Addo and the NPP to victory? Wishful thinking indeed!
Who is going to give the mandate to Akufo-Addo to move Ghana forward into, cocaine, wee, sexual immorality, thievery, stealing, looting, vanity, and allowing the narcotics peddlers to turn Ghana into a subsidiary for the illicit drug trade.
Jake is surely going to lead the NPP into another electoral defeat.
With no credibility, how can Jake sell the NPP’s message?
How can a character who uses state funds to renovate a state bungalow, and turn around to attempt to buy the said bungalow with state resources, convince Ghanaians to give his party the mandate so that they can sell more state bungalows to the themselves?
Certificateless mulatto Jake and the NPP think that Ghanaians are fools huh?
When a physician cannot heal himself, how can he heal others?
Jake Obetsebi Lamptey has no credibility and this is a fact that nobody can run away from.
In fact, the ghosts of the 126 people who died will make sure that certificateless mulatto Jake does not succeed in his quest to perform as the Chairman of the NPP.
Also, the ghosts of the women who were killed in 2000 will also not allow certificateless mulatto Jake to succeed.
Yes, Jake will not succeed after being part of the plan which littered the streets of Ghana with the dead bodies of women.
Ataa Akyea and co were going to use the same trick in 2008 but God exposed them.
The cries and wailing of the widows and orphans whose monies certificateless mulatto Jake has stolen, will not allow Jake and the NPP to get back political power for them to spill more blood, set up a Disaster Fund, and then pocket the money.
People of Ghana, for as long as certificateless mulatto Jake Otanka Obetsebi Lamptey continues to remain the Chairman of the narcotics peddlers party, rest assured that they will never come to power.
As I.C Quaye used to say; “Aagbenaa!!!”
NPP will never taste political power again until they repent, confess their monumental sins, and ask God for forgiveness.

Nana Biakoye