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Opinions of Tuesday, 3 January 2023

Columnist: Philip Paa Kwesi, Arko Cee Ceelala and Lalasi Ewusi

Jesus and the cheerful photographers

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If you like taking pictures, I greet you!

A good-heartened wealthy man saw a naked pauper. Before he could help him, the rich man gave him a condition. He would take a photo of the nude man.

Every now and then we hear about the affluent feeding the hungry or clothing the nude.

We get to know them because they take pictures.

Even the Bible tells us God cherishes a cheerful giver.

The same message is told in the Quran, I believe.

Charity work is a blessing and we all want to be blessed. Like forever.

So when people take pictures during donations and charity, be it small or big, they want to eternalize a blessed memory.

Even corporate organizations need pictures when they put up classroom blocks, hospitals anything they consider charitable. I have even read news headlines and seen pictures of the affluent in society donating veronica buckets, nose masks, and alcohol-based hand sanitizers. Some go the extra mile of putting shelter over the heads of the homeless and gifting cars.

It is Christmas and as society understands it, Jesus’ birthday is here.

One thing you cannot take away from Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, we are told. ‘But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret.’

Can I get an Amen?

All Christians believe Christ showed them love and told humanity to do the same.

Shelves in gift shops on every corner are getting ready to choke with all manner of gifts imaginable as the world enters a fever of sharing. In a pro-Christian nation like Ghana corporate entities would join the dance of yuletide and show the poor the same love Christ gave mankind. They would eat cakes and pop different brands and colors of champagne.

And pictures would be taken.

But, Jesus also tells us ‘if you love me, you shall obey my commandment.’

You, me, us, Jesus commands us not to let our left hand know what the right is doing as we give to the needy.

This Christmas, and any other time, the pictures can wait.

After all, Jesus did not pose for a pic with the hungry when he fed them bread and fish, and neither did he pose with the Roman soldiers when dying for us on the pole.

My name is Philip Paa Kwesi Arko Cee Ceelala Lalasi Ewusi and when I give to the needy, I strive not to let my left hand know what my right hand is doing!

May the good Lord bless you, say Amen!