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Opinions of Thursday, 19 June 2008

Columnist: Biakoye, Nana

Joe Ghartey + Akufo-Addo; The Value Is The Same!

This Joe Ghartey, character, what is wrong with his head?

Is he normal? Or the wee has affected his thinking capacity?

Why, you don’t know that Joe Ghartey used to work in Akufo-Addo’s chambers?

Yes, for a long time, Joe Ghartey was on the payroll of Akufo-Addo.

And it is common knowledge that Akufo-Addo has been accused severally of being a wee smoker cum cocaine sniffer.

As for me Nana Biakoye, I have heard lots of stories about Akufo-Addo and how he is closely associated with all manner of hard drugs and the stony silence of Akufo-Addo is convincing me that the man has something to hide.

From the way Joe Ghartey has been spewing lots of thrash in recent times, Nana Biakoye is getting very convinced that when Joe Ghartey was cutting his teeth as a lawyer in Akufo-Addo’s chambers, he must have cut his teeth in smoking wee as well.

Yes, the man has been speaking as if his brain is choked with wee and cocaine.

No normal human being, with his mental faculties intact, will be speaking the way Joe Ghartey has been speaking.

What the heck was Joe Ghartey talking about when he said that drugs are no more moving through our airports?

I ask again; is this Joe Ghartey character normal?

No wonder Samuel Okudjeto Ablakwa, a former NUGS President and leading member of the CJA, has asked that Joe Ghartey gets his head examined by a shrink.

So this dunderhead is the one in charge of the country’s legal matters? Lord have mercy!!

What “koraa” have we done to warrant this rule of crass idiots? Why? Why? Why? The foolishness is too much. Haba!!!

When we are waking up to a plethora of cocaine stories on a daily basis, Joe Ghartey is telling us that the country is no more attractive to drug barons and that his government has put and end to the drug trade? Is he, blind, deaf, and dumb?

This same Joe Ghartey character, was in Switzerland recently and said that there has been no single act of corruption during the misrule of Kufuor and his gang of, nation wreckers, coffers looters, and vampire elite.

No corruption in the NPP government? Can you believe this?

There is something definitely wrong with the head of Joe Ghartey.

Well, a bird has just whispered into my ears that Joe Ghartey allegedly does not spare a joint of wee when he comes across it. Oyiwa!!!!

So Joe Ghartey is also member of the Ganja Society of Ghana? No wonder he talks the way he does.

It is only members of the Ganja Society of Ghana, who will talk the way Joe Ghartey and Nanancortics Akufo-Addo, do.

So you see why the value between Joe Ghartey and Nanacortics Akufo-Addo is the same?

Is it not interesting that Kufuor decides that people with certain deviant habits, and who have practiced in the same chamber, will be the ones who at different times, will be in charge of the AG’s Department?

And they call this positive change? Apiitor!!! Positive change my foot!!!

Joe Ghartey’s posture is a typical Akufo-Addo posture.

They are nothing but a bunch of arrogant piss-heads who have found themselves in power and so talk to us as if we have no brains. They talk to us as if we have only sawdust in our skulls.

What they don’t know, is that, the more they think they are making fools of us, the more they make bigger fools of themselves.

If they think we are fools, they are bigger fools. Oh yes, they are bigger fools!

When Akufo-Addo was the Attorney General, he did nothing to raise the image of that Ministry.

All he did, was to succeed in sacking lawyers from the place with his arrogance and know-all attitude when indeed, he knows nothing.

So when Akufo-Addo talks about empowering the AG’s department should he mistakenly be given the mandate to misrule Ghana, I know he is just talking for the sake of it.

Nana Biakoye remembers how Nanacortics Akufo-Addo worded a summons in the name of Kufuor instead of wording the summons in the name of the state.

And when one of his juniors at the AG’s Department brought it to his attention, he got high on some substance and insulted the young lawyer.

At the end of the day, when the matter went to court, the court threw out the case because the proper thing had not been done.

As Attorney General, Nanacoritcs Akufo-Addo allowed the drug trade to flourish by deconfiscating the assets of a very notorious drug baron named Raymond Amankwah, who is his brother-in-law.

That was the clearest message to the drug barons that they can go ahead with their trade because if their assets get seized, it will be given back to them.

As AG, Akufo-Addo set a ‘nice” record by employing his girlfriend, the very arrogant (like boyfriend like girlfriend) and haughty Ursula Owusu, at the AG’s Department, put her on a fat salary, while she did nothing.

It took Papa Owusu Ankoma to sack Ursula from the Department, when he took over from Nanacortics Akufo-Addo, as Attorney General.

Joe Ghartey and his master Nanacortics Akufo-Addo are valueless and they are nothing but a bunch of empty barrels that make a lot of noise.

Somebody should tell Joe Ghartey that, if he wants to last long on the political circuit, he must stop inhaling certain things because at the rate at which he spews out absolute nonsense, it won’t be long before he removes his clothes and start walking around naked.

Thank God that in about 7 months time, Ghanaians will vote out Kufuor and his moronic gang of nation wreckers, coffers looters, and drug addicts, and overwhelmingly give the mandate to Professor John Evans Atta Mills, for him to, give hope to Ghanaians, restore pride and dignity to the presidency, and most importantly, give us a Better Ghana.

Joe Ghartey + Akufo-Addo; the value is uselessly the same!

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