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Opinions of Friday, 9 January 2015

Columnist: Luthuli, Albert Nana Akoto

John Mahama: Lazy, Irresponsible, Incompetent And Corrupt Leader

I use the following: Lazy, Irresponsible, Incompetent and above all Corrupt to describe John Dramani Mahama and some blockheads always seem to have a beef with me. I paint him with such colors because they fit him so well.
John Mahama is mentally lazy; this is abundantly manifested in the economic quagmire the country finds itself. He has an insatiable appetite for borrowing. He views borrowing from both externally and internally as the only means of raising revenue. The country’s debt to GDP ratio currently stands at 60.8%. He continues to borrow disregarding wise counsel from all well meaning Ghanaians. Lazy governance is the latest is what we are been subjected to by John Mahama and his band of looting brigade.
Irresponsible, the way and manner he ascended to the presidency was done without regard for the future of this country. The 2012 election was characterized by unprecedented levels of frivolous expenditure. We witnessed a deficit which was record breaking and I believe it will take the like of John Mahama to exceed his depth of irresponsibility.
He is also notorious and widely known to so be irresponsible in his choice of words. He has thrown words like baloney at people who disagreed with him on issues. He made the infamous and unpresidential statement, “people of Kumasi will not appreciate it even if you tarred the roads of Kumasi with gold”. Under the leadership of John Dramani Mahama ‘yentia obia’ has become slogan in the NDC. If this demeanor the president has assumed is not an act of irresponsibility then I will propose a deleting of the word irresponsible from the English vocabulary.
Incompetence: John Dramani Mahama has become synonymous to incompetence. I know this attribute is inherent in his own admission of indecisiveness. He seems not get anything right. He has been committing series of errors ever since he became the leader of our beloved Mother Ghana. We are all feeling the impact of his incompetence which has climaxed into legendary status.

On his characteristic regarding corruption, he is a perfect reflection of corruption. If one dreams to see and touch corruption, that person needs to book a visit to the Flagstaff House and request to see John Dramani Mahama. As a vice president of the Republic of Ghana, the president, John Evans Atta Mills commissioned a committee to investigate him for allegedly inflating the prices of planes which he facilitated their purchase for the Ghana Armed Forces. This revelation was unveiled by anti-corruption crusader Martin Amidu.
John Mahama’s role in the fraudulent STX Housing Scheme for which money was lost to the state was initiated and championed by the same John Mahama. Under his leadership the seat of government has become a safe haven for dubious characters like Elvis Afriyie Ankrah. So why should one look beyond the Flagstaff House when one is in search of corruption?
No one should fault me for my apt categorization of His Errorship John Dramani Mahama under the following headings: Laziness, Irresponsibility, Incompetence and Corruption.