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Opinions of Friday, 16 September 2016

Columnist: Dabbousi, Fadi

John Mahama promises to drive us crazy and Amissah Arthur plots mayhem

President John Mahama and Vice, Amissah-Arthur President John Mahama and Vice, Amissah-Arthur

By Fadi Dabbousi

Word coming out of Damongo has it that the dysfunctional vice-president, Mr Amissah Arthur, was in a strategic meeting with NDC executives at the national park in the nearby village of Mole.

According to sources, this failed economist, whose only appeal is to get back at Dr Bawumia for his exposés on the true reflections of the Ghanaian economy, met NDC trouble mongers to plot mayhem that they intend to finger the NPP in.

Mr Amissah Arthur told the gathering that his Boss, President John Mahama, is leaving no stone unturned in his zeal to be re-elected for another term in office. Some 10 points discussed (the 10 commandments) were as ffs:

1. The mode of padding numbers in favour of the NDC.

2. The plan to beat up polling station agents and opposition representatives in NDC strongholds, when and where the opportunity arises.

3. Plans to create confusion in NDC constituencies that are believed will fall for the NPP.

4. How to get rid of some NPP stalwarts who are a stumbling block in the way of NDC’s victory.

5. NDC’s full concentration on the Presidential elections.

6. The essential chore of buying votes and how it must be done.

7. How to defend the NDC in any sticky situation by raising against the NPP non-existent issues of divisions and so on.

8. To masturbate the tribal sentiments of Northerners and hammer on the suspension of Paul Afoko even if the questions posed to communicators are about the economy.

9. The unilateral announcement of NDC’s victory prior to the final compilation of the election results and occupying the streets to legitimise the intended vote rigging. The discussion included consolidating the strong backing of the EC to give John Mahama the intended win.

10. Using John Mahama’s photo on NPP posters in places where people do not know who is who, hoping to bamboozle them to thumbprint next to him thinking they are voting for Nana Akufo-Addo.

In the meantime, John Mahama has addressed a sure situation that will grip the nation if NDC is re-elected to Power. He has promised to build more asylums to accommodate the multitudes who will go berserk and crazy from his psychotic regime in another four year term of artistic thievery, sweet-mouthed tomfoolery, foolhardiness, and chaotic governance.

What disappointed me the more was the fact that he did not guarantee the affordability of food and medicine that are a scarcity in the existing asylums of today.

He also lied so much that I lost count. But of those that I did capture was the blatant untruth about completing 123 of the promised 200 Senior High Schools when the actual figure is really not more than a few fully completed units with a few others yet to be finished.

The choice of 123 schools to garnish this preposterous lie was well picked, probably due to the fact that 123 can be read as 1, 2, or 3 (easily arguable) since they are in numerical order, and have a kind of intrigue when they appear together in the same sequence.

What a shame!!!

I wish to state that the plots against the integrity of electioneering will not hold. But the NDC gurus stole all the money in the nation’s coffers to implement their evil machinations and stock the majority in pseudo accounts just in the very plausible event that they lost the elections.

Is it any wonder then that Vice President Amissah Arthur is moving around with sacs full of money to be distributed to hungry left out executives to repair damaged loyalty to the umbrella party?

Instead of spending money to build asylums to accommodate people who are expected to go crazy, John Mahama should provide jobs for the droves of redundant graduates. Instead of promising to set up ‘Farmers Services Centers’ if reelected, he should account for SADA moneys that have evaporated without any visible development where they were supposed to be invested.

He should also explain why agriculture under his tenure of office relegated to negative 2% growth rate, and why cocoa production has plunged from one million to barely six hundred thousand tonnes. And the head of SADA had the effrontery to facelessly wade into NPP politics when he is stinking of theft, embezzlement, and rot.

Can’t John Mahama smell the stench of his dirty officers who are known for nothing serious but shimmying to the beat of drums and praises? What a shock!

Neither will Ghanaians fall for these excesses nor will the plotters have the balls to go on with them because the anger in the bosoms of suffering fathers, mothers, disenfranchised students, disgruntled jobless graduates, defrauded doctors and nurses, and disappointed youth portray such fury that will stop devils in their tracks.

And so shall the NDC be stopped.

#MyNameIsFadiDabbousi and #IAmForChange