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Opinions of Wednesday, 21 August 2019


John Mahama’s choice of a running mate is long overdue

Former President and 2020 NDC Flag-bearer, John Dramani Mahama Former President and 2020 NDC Flag-bearer, John Dramani Mahama

With a piece of loud news two days ago over the appointment of Prof. Kwesi Botchwey, as a running mate to John Dramani Mahama, many were hopeful that the opposition party, the National Democratic Congress (NDC) and their presidential candidate is now serious in its attempts at reclaiming back power in the election of 2020.

However, little did Ghanaians know that the NDC and their candidates are just not ready yet and perhaps more confused than even the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP).

The convener of the policy think tank, We The People Matter, Dr. Sa-ad Iddrisu made expressed this worry in a statement reacting to the statement by the NDC flagbearer that the appointment of Prof. Kwesi Botchwey, Ghana's longest-serving Finance Minister in the Rawlings led administration was false

Probably. the indecision which ex-President John Mahama himself confessed in his own book “My First Coup D'etat: Memories from the Lost Decades of Africa” hasn’t still left him and Ghanaians will have to keep wondering if NDC and John Mahama, is really serious in saving Ghanaians from the current hardships in election 2020.

For any serious opposition party wanting to out a ruling government will by now have in place their presidential and running mate, as well as their team of policy analysts and party machinery on a serious campaign trail offering policy alternatives to win the minds of Ghanaians.

Time is an enemy and relying on unfulfilled campaign promises of the NPP government alone as the surest bet for victory for the NDC will be another defeat staring them in their faces come election of 2020.

Your Excellency, John Mahama, your choice of a running mate is long overdue