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Opinions of Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Columnist: Azindoo

John Mahama will make Ghana a better place.

Looking at the leadership style of John Mahama, Ghanaians will benefit tremendously after his term of office.

Many will want to disagree with my claim but to back my assertion with points, let me first, quote a Dagbani maxim, which states that - (La ni pi li gu da li ka a yan bang ni di ni ning po li). Literally, that a first sight of a scrotum will surely tell it will be a hernia.

To put more light on this maxim, any good thing you see the first time will clearly tell you whether it is quality or not and doesn’t need to be tested or go through any scientific proof, because the looks will tell a professional its state.

So, president Mahama has shown to possess some leadership qualities in himslf I believe, will make his government one of the best in Ghana. You have to know that Ghana, is lagging behind in development because of bad leadership and not anything else. We need leaders who can take bold and sound decisions to propel the economy and on this score Mahama has done it.

A typical example is the bold step taken to cut waste in the system is hallmark of a good leader.

Furthermore, Mahama has widen the tax net which I believe, will increase the government chest in spending in areas of poverty alleviation, creation of social amenities and some developmental projects.

Truth be told Ghanaians, we must face the reality of the day. We have to shift from everything- free- mantra or feelings that has gained root in Ghana. We must pay tax for development as most people evade taxes at our ports, shop owners and what have you dodge tax payments.

Another praise and a plus for Mahama, is when vickileakes popped up whithin 24hrs, he cracked the whip on Vic. Hamman. If not a good leader who can do that?. We were here when Richard Anane’s case and many of such cases popped up in the past did anything happened?.

Mahama has gone the extra miles in the history of Ghana cut his pay and his cabinet, which some criticized as a mere show. It is not a show but a sign of a good leadership and a good leader who leads by examples. Did such thing ever in the history of Ghana happened? NO..... Mahama has made it Ghana needs such a leader.

President Mahama, is snazzier, affable, truthful and above all gentle. Mahama’s whip is there o..... whoever goes against the people of Ghana would not be spared.