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Opinions of Tuesday, 22 February 2022

Columnist: Sirr Abdullah

Joseph Yammin will be an effective national organizer

Joseph Yammin, Member of the NDC Joseph Yammin, Member of the NDC

Elsewhere, it is called confidence. Here in Ghana, out of ignorance and hate, they call it arrogance.

This great Senior comrade is never as arrogant as been portrayed by some ignorant persons, he is a strong person who believes in his capability.

He is confident and always committed to whatever he does, especially when it is about NDC.

I strongly believe in him and I trust him to do excellent work when given the opportunity to lead our organizational front, as a party.

His ability to speak to the heart of people who are not on the same side as him, his marvelous communication skills, his boldness and top-notch organizational skills are some traits that every Organizer of a political movement needs to excel.

Not only that, he is a leader, who defines reality and gives hope to those he leads. Let us entrust him with the National Organizer position of the NDC for the party needs such an effective organizer to win election 2024.

He is Hon. Joseph Yammin a.k.a Grassroots Commander

Former Regional Secretary, Ashanti Region

Former Deputy Ashanti Regional Minister, Ashanti Region

Former Deputy Youth and Sports Minister

Former Deputy National NADMO Coordinator

National Organizer Hopeful, NDC